The Legality of Printing Adventure Path Maps

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

I was looking into having a map printed at tactical movement size (1 inch = 5 feet) from the Carrion Crown Adventure path when an employee from Fedex Office said I couldn't due to copyright purposes.
If he is correct, how would I go about about getting permission to do so? Who should I speak with? Will someone point me in the right direction?

You can do it. This link is all you need to show them:

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I've found it's very employee-dependant. You're definitely allowed to print one copy though, provided it's for personal use.

It is odd, to be sure. @drumlord: I pointed them to the website link like you suggested. Unfortunately, it didn't even faze them. They said I needed actual written permission. An e-mail would suffice.
That being the case, do I need an e-mail from Paizo Publishing, or the author(s) of the AP, the illustrator, or a combination of the three?

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You need to tell the person at the copy shop to stop being an a*++++*. Or find a different store that aren't a$*+%#*s.

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Some call me Bob wrote:

It is odd, to be sure. @drumlord: I pointed them to the website link like you suggested. Unfortunately, it didn't even faze them. They said I needed actual written permission. An e-mail would suffice.

That being the case, do I need an e-mail from Paizo Publishing, or the author(s) of the AP, the illustrator, or a combination of the three?

That's certainly odd, but they just don't want to be sued. I've had a lot of good experiences with Paizo customer service. While it should be unnecessary, I'd try emailing them:

And mention the specific PDFs you want to print int he email, just so they can't counter that you didn't get specific permission.

Side note: I'm not a lawyer, but even if the authors or illustrators retain some rights to their work (for example, many have permission to print their work on their sites/deviantart), you should only need Paizo's permission to print their publications, hence the FAQ being enough permission. If you aren't lazy like me, it may be worth telling the store manager that their employees are ignoring perfectly legal guidelines.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

I fail to see how written words on the publisher's website provided by the publisher fail to count as "written permission." That said, short of finding a different employee or copy shop that is less stupid, drumlord's suggestion about contacting customer service is likely the best way to go.

Liberty's Edge

I had a FedEx Employee tell me I couldn't print out my own Map one time

It's definitely dependent on the employee. I won't say what company or product except it wasn't Paizo, but about nine years ago I had a PDF (I had bought) of a book and, now that I liked what I saw, I wanted a hard copy. I went to FedEx/Kinkos and they printed it, bound it, everything. (And then a month later I bought the actual hardcover book....I don't know what I was thinking. The Kinkos copy wound up only being like $2 cheaper and was in B&W instead of full color. Dumb.)

Anyway...definitely depends on the employee or maybe a store manager. If the website policy isn't enough, go to a different store with the policy already printed out (but only provide upon request).

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