Captain Yesterday's Guide To Skyrim Incompetence: Legendary Edition!

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DeathQuaker wrote:

I spent an hour last night organizing my books.

In Skyrim.


You bet! Are you organizing by topic or genre, first, or are you going straight alphabetical by author?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8


Topic, then alphabetical by title (since you can't see the author's name from your inventory).

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~laughter~ I just had a random encounter where I found Babette on the road having a "snack". I love this game.

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Wait a minute. There is a main quest in Skyrim? Since when? Why did nobody tell me? And there is a civil war quest too?

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Yeah. Civil War is pretty interesting, especially if modded. Main quest is a myth though. It's still a sandbox with various quest lines. Pay no heed to those talking about a main quest.

Emerges from cave, peppered with arrows and a giant jagged ice spear stabbed through the shoulder.

Quests! No one told me their were quests!! And here I've been wandering in the wilderness following the goats like a chump!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Supreme Commander,

I have continued my mission to ensure the Empire's dominance over Skyrim remains firm. With the end of the world taken care of and that bigot Ulfric dead, and all of the guilds of Skyrim thoroughly under my control, I feel I have largely done what I can on that front, so I hope you will allow me some leniency so I can go after every idiot who has decided to have me killed.

(By the way, heed not the ridiculous tales you hear about the Emperor dying at my hand. It was the work of a rogue Penitus Oculatus agent who pinned it on the Dark Brotherhood. And besides, he was the Thalmor's b#!&~, so do you really mind too much?)

I have started with the doofus sending the people in octopus masks after me. This has led me to Solstheim, an ash and ice-strewn waste full of indomitable people and silly wizards. While tracking down this tentacle-headed fool, I have found my way into several old temples and barrows, where I keep finding books that teleport me into Yomiko Readman's apartment, and sometimes Hermaeus Mora shows up for a chat. Apparently continuing to find my way in and out of Yomiko Readman's apartment will lead me to whatever it is I need to stop this idiot.

In the meantime, I have not yet been able to secure a place to stay, and I and my hired man are both becoming increasingly laden down with things I'm reluctant to sell. I may need psychiatric treatment for hoarding. On the other hand, my collection for my personal library is increasing excellently.

Yours faithfully, Agent D.

Ha! What sort of character are you playing?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Me? The idea is she's an espionage agent/assassin in loyal service to the Empire. She was sent in masquerading as a prisoner to get close to Ulfric to ensure his death, when all heck broke loose. She was told by her commanding officers, "be sure Skyrim is fully secure for the Empire," so she has taken this to the extreme, in addition to winning the Civil War (as much as it can be run), she's stopping the apocalypse and overtaking all entities with power, as well as obtaining any available property, to give the Empire as much control in the region as possible. Of course she recognizes that the White-Gold Concordat will not last forever and one day the Empire will have to fight the Aldmeri Dominion again, so she considers things like killing Thalmor and (whoops?) the Emperor who agreed to the White-Gold Concordat in line for her behaving in the best interests of the Empire. I don't take quests I can't rationalize as being good for the Empire, and because she is an assassin, she takes any hit-jobs she can (within line with her loyalties) to keep her skills up.

Buildwise, she's a heavily stealth-focused switch hitter between bow and sword-and-board. I've finished most major questlines on the mainland and am now working on Dragonborn (gimme that stahlrim armor, baby). I haven't yet done Dawnguard.

Oh, Lathiira, if you see this.... btw I finally got revenge on that dragon by the Lover's Stone.

So, in your head canon, was she expecting to be pretend beheaded? Or had something gone horribly wrong and Alduin indirectly saved her? Also, how does she feel about Talos?!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Andostre wrote:
So, in your head canon, was she expecting to be pretend beheaded? Or had something gone horribly wrong and Alduin indirectly saved her? Also, how does she feel about Talos?!

Something had gone horribly wrong and Alduin indirectly saved her. She wasn't on the list, you see, and there were supposed to be instructions sent to the Legion about what to do with the One Not On the List, but they weren't following them. She's not sure if she was betrayed or something just got screwed up, but given she's slowly developing demigod-like power, she's not too concerned about giving anyone who did her wrong their due in time. Tullius was quick to promote her perhaps in reparation for what went wrong.

On Talos: so I paid extra attention to the Empire plot thread this go-through, and picked up that it's really the Thalmor who demanded no Talos worship, and the Empire doesn't REALLY want to enforce it, except they're afraid of the Aldmeri Dominion. I also picked up that most of the Empire expects that the White-Gold Concordat won't last and they will have to inevitably battle the Dominion again... but if they lose Skyrim, they will assuredly lose against the Dominion. So keeping Skyrim part of the Empire is crucial if they hope in the long game to defeat the Aldmeri Dominion--a factor the Stormcloaks are too narrowminded and short-sighted to realize.

She hopes her efforts will enable the Empire to grow strong enough to eventually break the pact and defeat the Aldmeri Dominion and drive out the Thalmor--at which time Talos worship can and will be safely restored. She in public in the meantime understands that encouraging Talos-worship will just draw trouble, so she will not speak of supporting Talos openly and will chide those who speak of Talos worship in public, but has no issue with people worshiping Talos in secret, as to her, the ban on worship is only temporary.

She herself is not a major Talos worshipper (though she's been known to tap a shrine to get longer Shout duration), but she knows the only reason the elves don't want him worshipped is because they have a bug up their butt about a man achieving godhood rather than mer, and thinks they need to get over it. She believes he is indeed a god (his shrines wouldn't cure disease if he wasn't).

One I'm done all the major questlines and cleans up, I may just have her show up at the Thalmor Embassy and murder everyone there. Driving out the Dominion from Skyrim will of course be the last measure of ensuring Skyrim's security, after all.

I love it. Thanks for answering these Very Important Questions. I love it when I encounter someone else who puts their own spin on story lines like those in The Elder Scrolls series.

My main Skyrim character was my Oblivion character reborn. Not very creative, but he was a Nord, and I loved his play style, so I went with it. On the one hand, being a Nord meant that he felt loyalty to Skyrim, but on the other hand, becoming a hero who's defining moment was ensuring the legacy of the Empire meant he wanted to see the Empire remain strong. I actually avoided as much of the main quest as possible for that rationale as he was morally conflicted. He decided to explore this Dragonborn business and get a lay of the land before committing to one side of the civil war. In the end, his loyalty to his homeland won out, and he supported Ulfric.

I tried to recreate a 2nd edition D&D cleric, so his main skills were restoration magic, heavy armor, and I pretty much only used one-handed bludgeoning weapons. Although it sucked walking around everywhere constantly spamming a heal spell thanks to Skyrim mechanics.

DeathQuaker wrote:

Oh, Lathiira, if you see this.... btw I finally got revenge on that dragon by the Lover's Stone.

About time!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Andostre wrote:

I love it. Thanks for answering these Very Important Questions. I love it when I encounter someone else who puts their own spin on story lines like those in The Elder Scrolls series.

My main Skyrim character was my Oblivion character reborn. Not very creative, but he was a Nord, and I loved his play style, so I went with it. On the one hand, being a Nord meant that he felt loyalty to Skyrim, but on the other hand, becoming a hero who's defining moment was ensuring the legacy of the Empire meant he wanted to see the Empire remain strong. I actually avoided as much of the main quest as possible for that rationale as he was morally conflicted. He decided to explore this Dragonborn business and get a lay of the land before committing to one side of the civil war. In the end, his loyalty to his homeland won out, and he supported Ulfric.

I tried to recreate a 2nd edition D&D cleric, so his main skills were restoration magic, heavy armor, and I pretty much only used one-handed bludgeoning weapons. Although it sucked walking around everywhere constantly spamming a heal spell thanks to Skyrim mechanics.

I have rarely played a heavy armor character--somehow I always end up wanting to stealth everywhere. I did have an Oblivion character similar to yours--Nord, armor, fighty, restoration, though I got Oblivion late and didn't get very far in the game (it was a good game but by the time I got it, I was also playing other stuff). I should recreate Justice (that was her name, I wasn't very creative) for Skyrim sometime too. Although oddly, she was very similar to Lydia. I think Lydia might be Justice's descendant. ;)

I think the quests (if you choose to acknowledge their existence :) ) feel better done the way you describe... feel it out, react as your character would. Try not to rush into something and get more information if that's what you'd do (it also then makes doing sidequests feel more natural, as you're biding time trying to figure out stuff). Ulfric is also a very persuasive fellow (but my current Dragonborn disagrees).

I'm really enjoying the Dragonborn DLC on this playthrough. I feel like I'm picking up more on it than I did last time, and I swear I didn't do things in the same order at all--it feels very different.

Well, I guess it has been a while since I played Skyrim.

So, after watching a few videos on YouTube I realized how little I've actually done in Skyrim beyond the main quests and finding the words of power (and whatever dungeon I happened to stumble across along the way.

So I went back to my old game (wood elven archer named Moonbeam) to see what I could find, with an emphasis on s&@% I haven't done yet.

It turns out I left things at the reading the elder scroll and fighting Anduin (coincidentally the main bad guy in my homebrew Forgotten Realms campaign was a dragon dominating wizard with a thing for masks named Anthuin).

After that I visited the museum in Dawnstar and so now I'm looking for pieces of some sword or dagger.

I can't get the hilt, g$*@*~n Briarheart douchebag and his f~~%ing troll are guarding it, and I've already died four times trying to get it.

I'm going to see if I can't bait everyone near a ledge and shout them off.

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Have you tried killing them before they kill you?

Just a thought.

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Andostre wrote:

Have you tried killing them before they kill you?

Just a thought.

That's just crazy enough to work!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Frikkin' Forsworn and their frickin' briarhearts, and the Dragonborn without a potion of healing...

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Hey, what do you know, not dying worked!

What I did was, stand at the bottom of the stairs and fire an arrow to get their attention then I hit mister Briarheart douchebag in the face. That got his attention! So he comes running down the stairs so I trip the rock slide trap and then stood to the left of the stairs and as soon as he and his troll recover from the rock slide they get to the bottom of the stairs and I shout them down the flight of stairs to the right, so I summoned my fire atronach and finished them off.

Really, all I had to do was stop and think "What would Bruenor do?".

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Somehow I ended up in Hag's End, I think I'm looking for something for someone for some reason.

I do wonder if by dual weilding Dawnbreaker and Mehrune's Razor I might be sending mixed messages, deifically speaking.

I think after I'm done dying my way through Hag's End I'm going to go see what all the Dawnguard business is all about.

Interesting development, if you happen to hit the hag at Hag's End with Mehrune's Razor and instantly kill her she'll still teleport but you won't fight her at the end.

Unfortunately this also means you don't get her loot.

I'm good with that.

So, I apparently freed the Sole Survivor. She's not going to be happy when she can't find Codsworth.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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"Somehow I ended up in [place], I think I'm looking for something for someone for some reason."

Sounds like most of the Elder Scrolls experience in a nutshell, really.


So, I apparently freed the Sole Survivor. She's not going to be happy when she can't find Codsworth.

I expect she was trying to get far away enough from Preston so he couldn't mark another settlement in trouble on her map.

If she can travel to Skyrim... well, I was always wondering how the Brotherhood had a sample of Nirnroot aboard the Prydwen...

As an aside, the epic Amiri portrait is somehow extremely appropriate for a Dragonborn avatar.

It turns out I was getting a book for Urag-Lub-Lub (spelled might be off, but I doubt it).

After I returned his book and gave him my elder scroll I went off and joined the Dawnguard. They gave me a crossbow. I threw it out on the front steps, I f*&!ing hate crossbows.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

You get a super nice bow in that quest later.

Yes, that's what started me down that road.

I watched a video on YouTube about the best bows in Skyrim, among other videos, which is why I started playing again.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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You also get a super nice vampire friend in that quest. I'm not sure if that's as exciting.

Unfortunately I've also apparently become a vampire, even though I expressly said I didn't want to.

Looks like I get to Google how to cure that on my lunch break tomorrow (in between cutting the caps for a wall and splashing in the mud (which is why I get paid the big bucks).

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I think that is part of the plot. You will get a chance at either being cured or transforming permanently later, IIRC.

To cure vampirism, ask about at the bar for rumors to set you on the path.

Yes it's part of the plot. And the vampire friend is well worth it, though her AI might want tweaking. But hey, I can listen to Laura Bailey's voice all day.

Really, well a lot of people are going to die then.

Vengeance rampage it is.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

That's part of the plot too.

ETA: Loved Laura Bailey's voicing in Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money.

Well, I'm going to have to get prepared for some vampire vengeance rampaging!

The Lost Boys isn't streaming, but I can always watch Dracula on Netflix again.

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Given how many times it's been declared dead, it's heartening to see SKYBLIVION inching closer to completion.

I'm not sure it's even fair to call it any more, as they've upgraded the engine so much that it's way beyond what SKYRIM used ten years ago. The quality of the mod is exceptional and it looks like a proper, official remaster of OBLIVION.

They've completed, or just about, the world and are tearing through the dungeons, updating and upgrading them (OBLIVION's dungeons originally veered towards the tiny side). They're also implementing quests and characters, and are focused on bug-crunching that implementation.

This is still a way off, but maybe two years or less, rather than "forever."

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Yeah, Skyblivion is one of those things that I'm looking forward to, but I'm deliberately *not* following because it's not really close to ready.

I always liked Cyrodil's aesthetics over Skyrim's, but I like Skyrim's mechanics over Oblivion's, so I'm definitely interested.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Anniversary Edition is out as of yesterday. If you have whatever the latest edition is (Special?) you will get four free updates, and of course Bethesda being Bethesda you can also buy additional ones. The four free updates were paid content in the Creation Club for Special edition so it isn't really new stuff, but if you haven't gotten it before, it is new for you. There's a "survival mode" (you have to eat, sleep, and stay warm, and can't fast travel), fishing added to the game, a new apparently longish quest, and some new items/crafting options.

I've only just barely taken a look at the new stuff but I had recently started a new game for the heck of it (sometimes it's just nice to climb mountains and kill things with my trusty housecarl Lydia) so I will report back if there is anything especially worth paying attention to.

Be warned that I understand that it IS Bethesda, so despite this game having been out for 10 years and with all that time to support and update the game, there are new possible bugs to encounter with the new features, because why wouldn't there be?

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Oh, there are definitely bugs. As in, I can't continue from my previous game. Standard loading occurs, then the screen goes black. There's one of the standard spell noises. You can't exit the screen either. This is from my Xbox One. Apparently the compiler got updated and various mods can't handle it, most likely candidates are follower mods.

DeathQuaker wrote:

Anniversary Edition is out as of yesterday. If you have whatever the latest edition is (Special?) you will get four free updates, and of course Bethesda being Bethesda you can also buy additional ones. The four free updates were paid content in the Creation Club for Special edition so it isn't really new stuff, but if you haven't gotten it before, it is new for you. There's a "survival mode" (you have to eat, sleep, and stay warm, and can't fast travel), fishing added to the game, a new apparently longish quest, and some new items/crafting options.

I've only just barely taken a look at the new stuff but I had recently started a new game for the heck of it (sometimes it's just nice to climb mountains and kill things with my trusty housecarl Lydia) so I will report back if there is anything especially worth paying attention to.

Be warned that I understand that it IS Bethesda, so despite this game having been out for 10 years and with all that time to support and update the game, there are new possible bugs to encounter with the new features, because why wouldn't there be?

Thank you! Truth be told I'd forgotten about this one with the GTA remastered coming out (Vice City is one of my all time favorite video games) but I'd purposely stayed away from Skyrim since they announced it so I wouldn't be burned out on it before it's even released.

Fortunately I got a raise and promotion this year so I should be able to swing for both!

I'm not sure how I feel about the inclusion of survival mode as I barely survive in normal mode as it is! But it's nice they added it for those that enjoy it in Fallout. Though I will say, after playing Fallout 76 a bunch I've found survival mode isn't all that bad so I might try it out for fun.

Have fun! And thanks again for the reminder!!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Lathiira, that sucks. I've heard XBoxOne users report similar issues. And yes, uninstalling mods is generally required. Fortunately for my latest game I had had to reinstall the game only recently anyway and only had the Unofficial Patch installed.

captain yesterday wrote:

Fortunately I got a raise and promotion this year so I should be able to swing for both!

Congrats on the raise/promotion! Note that the primary material is a free update, so you shouldn't have to pay for anything unless you want the additional anniversary content.

I'm not sure how I feel about the inclusion of survival mode as I barely survive in normal mode as it is! But it's nice they added it for those that enjoy it in Fallout. Though I will say, after playing Fallout 76 a bunch I've found survival mode isn't all that bad so I might try it out for fun.

The Survival mode appears to have less of the annoying factors Fallout 4's mode has, where making gameplay more frustrating is conflated with adding challenge and immersiveness. Particularly, I don't think the save games are restricted, which is the biggest problem with Fallout's version since it means you are much more subject to losing progress due to bugs and crashes. I don't think Skyrim's has diseases either (although that was a feature I found interesting). The main gameplay limitations are that you can't fast travel and that you can't level until you find a bed and rest. The other things are eat, sleep, and stay warm. I like the stay warm idea--I once had a mod installed that had a warmth mechanic and it really added to the ambience of Skyrim a good deal, because being surrounded by snow or falling into ice cold water really meant something. (Sadly the particular mod I used broke/needed to be updated and I had to uninstall it). My main reason for not trying it is the disabling of fast travel--love the idea of it and I actually think Skyrim is better when you limit your use of fast travel, but I have less time on my hands than I used to for playing, and I don't want to spend an hour dragging stuff to a shop to sell if I don't have that hour to spend.

captain yesterday wrote:

Well, I'm going to have to get prepared for some vampire vengeance rampaging!

The Lost Boys isn't streaming, but I can always watch Dracula on Netflix again.

Ha! I ended up getting The Lost Boys on Blu-ray this fall and it's even better than I remembered!

If anyone has never seen it I highly recommend finding it.

DeathQuaker wrote:

Lathiira, that sucks. I've heard XBoxOne users report similar issues. And yes, uninstalling mods is generally required. Fortunately for my latest game I had had to reinstall the game only recently anyway and only had the Unofficial Patch installed.

captain yesterday wrote:

Fortunately I got a raise and promotion this year so I should be able to swing for both!

Congrats on the raise/promotion! Note that the primary material is a free update, so you shouldn't have to pay for anything unless you want the additional anniversary content.

I'm not sure how I feel about the inclusion of survival mode as I barely survive in normal mode as it is! But it's nice they added it for those that enjoy it in Fallout. Though I will say, after playing Fallout 76 a bunch I've found survival mode isn't all that bad so I might try it out for fun.
The Survival mode appears to have less of the annoying factors Fallout 4's mode has, where making gameplay more frustrating is conflated with adding challenge and immersiveness. Particularly, I don't think the save games are restricted, which is the biggest problem with Fallout's version since it means you are much more subject to losing progress due to bugs and crashes. I don't think Skyrim's has diseases either (although that was a feature I found interesting). The main gameplay limitations are that you can't fast travel and that you can't level until you find a bed and rest. The other things are eat, sleep, and stay warm. I like the stay warm idea--I once had a mod installed that had a warmth mechanic and it really added to the ambience of Skyrim a good deal, because being surrounded by snow or falling into ice cold water really meant something. (Sadly the particular mod I used broke/needed to be updated and I had to uninstall it). My main reason for not trying it is the disabling of fast travel--love the idea of it and I actually think Skyrim is better when you limit your use of fast travel, but I have less time on my hands than I used to for...

I don't mind spending on the full on legendary edition or whatever they're calling it, I was fairly late to the Skyrim party so I think I've only spent twenty bucks total on my original Xbox 360 game and my PS 4 copy (which I bought because my daughter hadn't finished it when the XBOX 360 finally shuffled off after 13 years of use).

And thank you, it's been a great year at work!

Here's a sundial I built! yes, I'm also extremely late to the Instagram party as well, it's not for everyone but I love taking pictures (though I wouldn't call myself a photographer) and I don't know enough people to share them with so I'm unleashing them onto the world at large.

I once found this pair of goats in the mountains outside of the mage city and decided I'd follow them and protect them from harm I ended up following them across the entire continent and they ended up surviving two dragon attacks, a sabertooth tiger, and three bear attacks.

I loved those goats.

Survival mode is something I didn't try. The reason is simple: by the time the CC came up with it and I found mods like it, I was already a vampire lord. Food? Sleep? Cold? I (should) care not about such things. I'm undead! People are food, and I shouldn't get tired except by day. Maybe. Cold? I'm cold resistant.

But yeah, I'll have to figure out what mods are the problem and disable them. I don't have many 'follower' mods per se. I do however have Bruma installed, as well as a bunch of stuff for NPC interactions. My only follower mods relate to Serana and I will be mad enough to raise the Underworld if I have to do anything to my favorite vampire maid.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Cool sundial, Cap'n!

Love the goat story. I was tempted to follow a fox for awhile but I got distracted by something else shiny.

I do love the stuff the engine puts together at random. Dragon flying around near giant camp, and a sabretooth cat chasing me. Giant killed cat, dragon killed giant, I killed dragon. The Cirrcle of Liiiiiife....

The nearby woolly mammoth I should note did not get involved, gave no f#%!s about the whole thing, and I knew better than to annoy it.

I know this is a crazy idea Lathiira but if you did want to try some other content you could start a new game. If you don't, no big. Just noting. Besides, this way you get to meet Serana all over again for the first time.

Silver Crusade

I’m loving being back in the game, even if that means starting my 7th playthrough. Every time I come back to the game, I remember how awesome it is.

captain yesterday wrote:

I once found this pair of goats in the mountains outside of the mage city and decided I'd follow them and protect them from harm I ended up following them across the entire continent and they ended up surviving two dragon attacks, a sabertooth tiger, and three bear attacks.

I loved those goats.

At the risk of sounding trite... so epic.


I'm still on old vanilla Skyrim, but I bought Special Edition during a Steam sale not too long ago. I'm kinda worried about how my laptop will handle the updated engine, but the only DLC I have is Hearthfire, so I'll probably give Special Edition (with the Anniversary updates) to get new, non-goat related content. I've never played Dawnguard, Dragonborn, or any of the CC stuff. (And I don't have the free time I haven't taken the time to learn how to install and manage mods that can provide quests of questionable quality.)

DeathQuaker wrote:

Cool sundial, Cap'n!

Love the goat story. I was tempted to follow a fox for awhile but I got distracted by something else shiny.

I do love the stuff the engine puts together at random. Dragon flying around near giant camp, and a sabretooth cat chasing me. Giant killed cat, dragon killed giant, I killed dragon. The Cirrcle of Liiiiiife....

The nearby woolly mammoth I should note did not get involved, gave no f@$+s about the whole thing, and I knew better than to annoy it.

I know this is a crazy idea Lathiira but if you did want to try some other content you could start a new game. If you don't, no big. Just noting. Besides, this way you get to meet Serana all over again for the first time.

I love those Circle of Life moments :)

I'm contemplating doing just that. But I'll give it a few more days, maybe till after Black Friday. Then we'll see if I need to start again with a fresh character for new chaos :)

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Andostre wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I once found this pair of goats in the mountains outside of the mage city and decided I'd follow them and protect them from harm I ended up following them across the entire continent and they ended up surviving two dragon attacks, a sabertooth tiger, and three bear attacks.

I loved those goats.

At the risk of sounding trite... so epic.


I'm still on old vanilla Skyrim, but I bought Special Edition during a Steam sale not too long ago. I'm kinda worried about how my laptop will handle the updated engine, but the only DLC I have is Hearthfire, so I'll probably give Special Edition (with the Anniversary updates) to get new, non-goat related content. I've never played Dawnguard, Dragonborn, or any of the CC stuff. (And I don't have the free time I haven't taken the time to learn how to install and manage mods that can provide quests of questionable quality.)

I don't do mods either! I have the legendary edition they released on PS 4 a few years ago to continue milking the cash cow. I like Dragon Born though it's a bit annoying at times, same with Dawn Guard which is the stronger of the DLC in my opinion.

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