Haides |
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Sorry for this... "peculiar" question, but this is a question i didn't know how to answer.
I'm from Spain and here, we use some written accents to determine where is the strong syllable.
For example, in this case this should be writen...
Cambión - if it's strong in -on
Cambion - if it's strong in Cam-
So, when i find some words in english, i don't know what's his intonation. And, in this case, i found it enough important to ask here.
I would appreciate any answer; thanks. ^^U

Tacticslion |

I don't know what's "official" but I just kind of use what I need.
That said, I say "cam" like English "ham" or "camera" with a very slight emphasis on the "cam" part compared to the "bion" (which I usually say like the words, "bee" and, "on" in English, smushed together... though the "on" gets a little more nasal and emphasized than normal).
So, in this case, I kind-of sort-of emphasize both the "cam" and the "on" elements, with a softer "b" sound.
So, obviously, the best way to say it is, "drow." XD

Haides |

Well.. thank you! Thanks to you all ^^ Here in Spain, CAMbion sounds a little worst than CAMBION, due to another word, cambio (change in spanish), could be (bad) written in superlative as cambión (great change; but that word doesn't exist! xD); so, let's say... inherently, our mind tends to imgine the word with the strong accent in the -ON syllable.
Thus, thank you; it has helped, as a personal mode, very much. ^^
I'd appreciate if any "Sage" wrote any official answer about what they had in mind with that creature's name (I know this creature is previous to Paizo, but they will know what they want). But apart from this, I really appreciate your quick posts. Thank you, very much.^^

Haides |

Dragon Magazine #93 (the January 1985 issue) included a comprehensive official pronunciation guide, written by none other than Frank Mentzer. According to that guide, "cambion" is pronounced with an emphasis on the first syllable.
It's a real word (beyond roleplaying, I mean). The emphasis is on the first syllable.
Great! Thank you, very much!! Both replies are helpful and answer perfectly the question. Now, there is no longer any doubt. :)