Need help fleshing out a character.


I had an idea for a character but I'm not sure how to go about it and a DM still be ok with working with her back story. The character is a being of some angelic origin who has been put under a enchanted sleep in some sort of holy place to guard something and she wakes up about 100 + years later to find thing very different than what they were when she was put under this spell. I'm also having trouble picking a class as I can't see her being a palidin or even a reason for her to be there in the first place. Any ideas I would love to hear them.

Dark Archive

Well, most GMs are probably going to say no outright if you try to play an actual angel. An assimar who lived in out of the good-aligned outer planes is probably more acceptable.
The spell "binding" can do pretty much exactly what you're describing. It lasts 1 year per caster level at the "sleeping" level, but can be refreshed repeatedly. Could be that the reason the character awoke is that the mage keeping your character asleep died (likely of old age at this point) and was no longer able to keep the binding going. So the mage would be dead for up to 10 years by the time your character awakens.
Heck, binding also lets you specify a condition that ends the binding early. Perhaps that condition is met and you wake up for a purpose. That's your choice entirely.

Now, what kind of place is the character in, besides some kind of holy place?
What did your character do BEFORE the magical sleep?
Most classes could fit in this kind of trope, but it really depends on the character's backstory (before the sleep thing) and/or what you the player want to be able to do.

I would like to think that she was a solar be for she was put under this spell but something happened while she was asleep to her God that caused her to lose most all of her ablities granted by her deity.

An Angel-Blooded Aasimar would still be the likely way to go to represent such a character.

Oracle seems like a good fit. Both cursed and blessed, deals with Mystery and Revelation. A huge number of Mysteries to choose from, but things like Lore or Heavens seem kind of appropriate here. Maybe Stargazer Archetype.

I'm just commenting, this sounds a lot like Brynhild, from Nordic Mythos.

Definitely Aasimar, and really anything could work. I personally imagine Brynhild as a polearm specialist fighter.

Why would someone keep them alive rather than kill them? Well in Brynhild's case, she broke a rule and angered Odin. It also sounds like you're steering from Lawful Good. You could come up with your own Sigurd-equivalent event.

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