SotGobs Adv 2 Questions

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

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A couple quick ones (hopefully) about Scenario 2B-2C and the Season reward...

1. 2B-2C's During This Scenario text includes: "When you defeat and would banish a monster that has the Animal trait, shuffle it into a random unoccupied location."

That would include the Animal henchmen, Owly Thing and Piggy, correct? (Giving our pint-sized green heroes "extra" chances to close locations?)

2. The Season reward is: "Each player chooses one of his Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild characters. That character may treat the loot Lamashtu’s Bauble as if it is in her Class Deck box."

I can't help but notice the Lamashtu's Bauble card printed in the PDF is labelled as a Loot 2. Meaning the future character it's assigned to would have to use a level 2 upgrade to include it in their deck.

Is that intentional, or should it be a Loot P, like SotRi's Scales of Remembrance and SotRu's Runewell's Echo? (SotS's Councilor's Ring was eventually edited to be a Loot B-Basic, so that's an option, too.)

If a change is made to the We Be Goblins Too! PDF, would it be possible to fill all the blank space on the last proxy page (pg.12) with additional copies of Lamashtu's Bauble (as was done with Scales of Remembrance in SotR Adv 6)? That way one could hand out physical proxies to multiple players without have to print off the same page over and over.

Thanks very much!

That hope for multible copies of Lamashtu's Bauble is very valid!
I always hate Empty space when printing proxies...
Why not multible copies of hensmans that Are used in multible copies. And so on.

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

1. Definitly does include those henchmen, so you get to fight them OVER AND OVER! (Until you've occupied all locations, of course)

2. When we wrote Lamashtu's Bauble as the final loot, I never really thought about it requiring an upgrade 2, so... eh, I think it's fine to require an upgrade 2 to use it. Just take your awesome gobbo over to Season of the Shackles or Runelords or Plundered Tombs and start at adventure 2 there, you'll get that Item 2 upgrade in no time! :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We will change its set indicator from 2 to P.

Vic Wertz wrote:
We will change its set indicator from 2 to P.

Keen! Thanks!

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