Kingmaker Prologue


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In he future, not near because I am running Iron Gods right now, but nonetheless I do plan on running this due to player interest. At least two of those players are ran KM through VV and one was the original DM who lost all his notes. To make a long story short we all dug the kingdoms building and NPC interactions and would love to run it to its completion. With that in mind, I'm taking my time to put together an epic KM campaign keeping in mind that half of us plays through half of the story. Needless to say, I should probably change some things up.

First off, I'm going with a Louis and Clark meets establishing the Silk Road to the east as the impetus to get the ball rolling. I also want to roll back the clock. Davik Nettles will start off alive and the PCs will meet him while exploring. The Stag Lord hasn't established himself yet, and he's not the raging abused alcoholic from before. Instead, he is Akiros Ismort. Akiros was a long time, prominent NPC in our old campaign so it would be fun making him the villain of the first piece. Also, I'm thinking of Ismort growing his own Bandit kingdoms to be quashed.

I am also going to play around with the geography a bit to place the PCs kingdoms right at the only access to eastward mountains.

The above plans are pretty much just notes and statblocks. What comes in my next post will be the the taking of the future Oleg's Trading Post.

These are just my notes but i thought they might be useful to somebody out there.

This is pretty much just a rehash of Olegs Trading Post, but occupied by Happs Biden and his men as well as some wording stolen from Lewis and Clark and Silk Road wiki pages. I don't have a lot of time for "original thought" right now.

Taking the Bandit Fort

The PC’s are hired to accompany Oleg to explore, map and ultimately acquire the territory; establish the most direct and practicable water or land communication across this continent for the purposes of commerce and set up trading towns along the route; and to establish an Brevic presence in this territory before Taldor and other Avistanean powers try to claim it. They are to establish trade with local tribes and eliminate the threat of any bandits.

Their best opportunity is to establish a foothold in an old fort that lies alongside an old road that meanders through the only easy route through some badlands. Bandit activity is high in this area, and they have taken over the old fort. It is up to the party to clear it out and set it up as a trading post and base of operations.

Bandit’s Fort.
Palisade: At any given time two bandits are walking the palisades on guard duty. They are bored and not very disciplined. At night, there is a 50% chance any one of them is drunk (sickened condition -1 CR).
A1. Yard: contains a beat-up old wagon.
A2. Guesthouse: being used by four bandits (pg 12 Stolen Land). There is a 75% chance for each Bandit being drunk. If at least one is drunk, there is a 50% chance the advanced bandit is with them. (*see notes-Spiderhold)
A3. Stable: Occupied by 2 light riding horses used to pull the wagon to Restov when they have enough ill gotten wares to pawn.
A4. Storage Pen: This fenced area has a wooden roof. It has various tools and wagon parts.
A5. Middens: Three 3-foot-deep composting pits and middens.
A6. Main Hall: This squat but solid wooden building has double doors leading out into the yard can be barred but not locked.
A7. Dining Room: this room is filled with empty wine and mead bottles as well as other trash thrown on the floor.
A8. Office: contains poorly drawn maps of this hex, adjacent hexes, and the road to Restov.
A9: Stockroom: An advanced bandit stays here.
A10: Storeroom: this is where they keep their stolen merchandise and extra weapons. Treasure: leather armor, a heavy wooden shield, two hand axes, a light flail, five javelins, a longbow, two dozen arrows, a short sword, two spears, 1 weeks worth of trail rations, and a chest containing 1,08 cp, 57 sp, and 14 gp. Also, 10 BP worth of trade goods.
A11: Bedroom: Happs Biden uses this room. At night there is a 3% chance that Kressle is with him.

Creatures: there are four bandits, one bandit with the advanced template, plus Happs Biden and two horses. The bandits attempt to use the palisades as cover (+4 AC) and they have higher ground (+1 attack) when threatened by attackers outside the walls. If intruders get in, Happs climbs the palisades in order to gain higher ground while the advanced bandit moves into melee.

Kressle is still working here way through the various bandit outfits and hasn't settled on the Stag Lord just yet.

Aftermath: once the fort is cleared, the PCs can move in and make it a base of operations. The fort provides these free buildings: 2 houses, shop, stable, and watchtower.

My version of Oleg is that of a retired brawler but the players won't know that until he loses his poop on a bandit and clocks him good. Svetlana is a courtesan (3rd party NPC class) with feats to do harrowings on the PCs.

A couple ideas:

* If you do Oleg's as a fort that bandits already hold, you might want to change up the Stag Lord's fort in some way. It might be a bit of a rehash to do another siege at that point. One possibility: If Staggy is a true bandit lord, he might have enough men that your players need to wage an actual war rather than take his fort.

* Consider incorporating Ultimate Rulership and Ultimate Battle from Legendary Games.

* The boards have a lot of ideas for changing up some of the modules. You might be interested in material from Redcelt and Dudemeister if you ahven't looked at it already.

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I was thinking of doing that. The Stag Lord would be building his kingdom? Banditom? As the PCs are. He would end up doing small harassment, leading up to enough of s problem where there will be all out war. There isn't a lot of mass combat iirc so getting some right out the gate will be fun.

Thanks I'll check them out if.

I favorited Dudemeister and another, Glass Castle. Both have good ideas. I'll look for Redcelt.

Also, I decided making it a spaghetti western meets fantasy would be awesome.

The man with no name, armored, and carrying a sword.

If you search the forum, you will find it. Also search for the Bloody Huntsman as an alternate Stag Lord.

Looks interesting but I'm dead set on Akiros. I like the Tragic hero turned villain aspect. I'm also not going to use alignment so who knows what may happen. Players may decide to keep him alive and make him a sheriff or something.

Here's a random thought: as Pennywit says, having Akiros and his bandits in the fort on the banks of the Tuskwater would perhaps be too similar to Happs at the border fort. So, roll back the clock at the Tuskwater fort too - make it still occupied by Gyronna cultists. Both the players and Akiros might be competing to oust the cultists and gain the fort, or perhaps temporary alliances might be made.

Also, if Akiros isn't in the fort, you could perhaps use the Drowned Trees bandits idea on page 65 of Varnhold Vanishing as how his bandit camp looks/works.

I thought of this earlier today. It will get rid of redundancy. Since I'm doing Wild West, we need a train heist. The PCs and Oleg are traveling be train when Happs and the gang try and do a train robbery that the PCs must foil.

Then, when the get to the fort, they have to clear it of undead or kobolds or whatever, guess I better redo my Trading Post encounter. :D

I might be tempted to have the railway replace the River Sellen as it runs though Hookentongue.

After all the railway was the main long distance transport network for places where you couldn't get decent river transport for goods.

I like it. I plan on playing with the geography a bit. Probably move Restov to the west a bit further when I can sit down and GIMP the maps a bit.

Then Fort Drelev becomes an interim town built around a Cavalry fort that is trying (unsuccessfully) to bring the Slough area under control.

If you are going Wild West - one assumes that the Boggards (etc) are replaces by tribes of recalcitrant natives with the bandit gangs holed up on the other side of the Gnarle march.

You could even change the East Sellen (that runs from Mivon to Restov) into another smaller rail line that didn't quite make it through. Maybe the initial charter (contract) has to do with making sure that the railroad gets through.

The party then become a bunch of Deputy Marshals who go on to be massive cattle barons :P Although it might be good to keep the swamp area around the slough - just for a change of scenery :)

I was thinking the centaurs would be "the natives". Haven't thought about the Bogards but I suppose you don't see much swamp n the Wild West. Then again, that doesn't mean I can't. I'm also going to use Second Darkness starting with the meteor drop and replacing drow with Unseelie fey.

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