Prince in Chains Stat Block

Rules Questions

So I was reading through my copy of Inner Sea Gods last night, looking at the different heralds of the various deity, and I noticed something off about the stat block for The Prince in Chains. The stat block lists the following ability:

Chainstorm wrote:


Chains and flesh tendrils constantly lash at anything that approaches the herald. A creature that enters the area or begins its turn within it takes 1d12 points of bludgeoning and slashing damage. The chains entangle any creature so long as it’s in the area (Reflex DC 25 negates). The save DC is Constitution-based.

But I'm having trouble figuring out what area to use for this ability.

Should I use the reach (10 ft. (15 ft. with tentacle))?
Is there a different number I'm missing?
Has the maximum strength NyQuil made me go crazy?

Thanks for your help

(Link to The Prince in Chains Stat Block)


Check out the Aura line near the top, right before Defense.

Aura chainstorm (15 ft., DC 25)

donato wrote:

Check out the Aura line near the top, right before Defense.

Aura chainstorm (15 ft., DC 25)

Thanks. I must have starred at that stat block for a good 20 minutes.

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