Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

I had a player miss a few sessions and I hate to just recap things and have nothing for him to have done while he was gone. The rest of the players are fine with me doing solo stuff with him at the beginning of the session. He is a new player to this type of fantasy game, he tends to play things like robotech and starwars. He is not the most social and tends to be really quiet but he is the first to volunteer to help someone which is great. He is a vanilla cleric of Sarenrae who used to be a mercenary in Taldor till he was killed and given a second chance by Sarenrae. Fun backstory.
So they are in the city of Almas in Andoran and he has six days to do some stuff. The 'quest' the group is on is to stop a war between the Fey and the Lumber Consortium. They have a potential meeting between the Fey Queen, the people who run the Lumber Consortium, and a representative of the People Council. The group is looking for information on all parties and trying not to create bad blood. So if anyone has an ideas on some stuff I could have for this player to do. Either pertaining to the above or just some fun stuff for him to get him more invested in the game.
Thank you in advance,

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Ideally you want to build his investment both in his own character AND the world at large. I would say give him something that both
A) Supports the group's quest and
B) Feeds into his backstory.
Try to connect one of the two aspects of his backstory (Sarenrae cleric, Taldor mercenary) and the three factions at hand (Fey, Lumber Consortium, People's Council). Perhaps he can build a relationship with one of these, and surprise the party by showing up as a representative of one of the three at the meeting, providing extra information and a diplomatic advantage. Your pre-quest would explain how he got there, and get him into the faction's good graces via some combination of cleric-y magic & smooth talking.
Good job on going the extra distance for your player!

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A few fires have broken out. While investigating he discovers it is an outcast fey creature. The cleric either redeems it or is tricked and needs the party's help to survive.
Some lumberjacks get into trouble with the law. The cleric is a whiteness with valuable testimony over their guilt/innocence.
A lumberjack recently died. Leaving behind a child, now orphaned. The cleric gets involved to protect the child.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |
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Yay! I got reply's. I always try to go the extra mile for them. I like my players and the more they enjoy the game the better I feel about learning to be a GM. I picked a crazy option for my first campaign.
I possibly do some stuff with his deity/church. They are already going to get to be at the meeting. But extra info is always good.
The kid idea is fun. I do believe he was an orphan and that should catch him in the feels. I like catching my players in the feels. Though the group might just adopt the kid. Which could be fun. They have done that before. The witness thing would definitely make him have to get chatty with me.
Thank you both!

Dastis |

An old mercenary friend working on the wrong side that encourages him into old ways
Including whoever first taught him of Sarenrae's love
If any violence breaks out and innocent bystandards are injured he might be forced to choose between helping the dying wounded and helping the party pursue the offenders
Bar fights are a universal and often comedic encounter. When people laugh I find they tend to get more involved
Lumber removal might unveil the crumbling ruins of a church; Either Sarenrae or one of her main opposed gods. Regardless of which its an instance of call in the cleric
If all else fails he can always try and convert people to the light

Ciaran Barnes |

The cleric receives an extremely secretive communication from a high level leader in the church. There is a delicate mission that must be handled with absolute discretion, and he must carry his secrets to the grave lest he risk embarrassing the church and possible excommunication.
In years past, there was a necromancer who committed many atrocities in the region. A questing paladin of Serenrae destroyed the necromancer and in doing so became a local legend and increased the church's influence in the area. Recently this paladin was found to be undead and was destroyed in secret, and now rumors say that the necromancer lives. Your cleric is the only church agent who can handle this matter without attracting attention. If this secret gets out, church leaders feel they will loose their strong position in the area.
This may sound like a higher level quest, but it doesn't have to be. As long as it feels like an epic adventure, it can still be low level if necessary. Maybe he gains the assistance of the GM-controlled inquisitor or investigator who uncovered the paladin and necromancer.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

If I could get this player to try and convert people I would be so excited. That would be so much fun!
Currently he is solo so not party issues but dividing his interests later will be fun.
And if I could get them to go into a tavern there would be barfights but it is almost like they are avoiding it.
The hidden temple is something I had not considered and is now in my notes :)
Hehe! I like the necomancer and paladin thing. I cannot do it now but I know I can soon! Yay!
Thank you both!