PaizoCon 2017 - Who's Coming?!

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Hmm wrote:

Kobold, how about this one, Iggy the Iguana? I found him in my collection of "stuffed animals that I might use someday in storytime", but poor Iggy has not had the opportunity to actually be in one of my library storytimes yet. He told me that he's been dreadfully bored sleeping in his box, and that a trip to Seattle sounded fun.

As for playing a game, there are still spots left in my From the Tome of Righteous Repose game that I am GMing Friday morning. You could either join us, or collect Iggy from me when you come by to say hello. If you do join us, you could come in with a pregen if you like. You don't even have to make a PFS character, just get the PFS number from HQ.

Anyway, I'm packing Iggy and some safety pins unless you tell me you already found your own stuffed lizard.

Hope to see you there!



Iggy is adorable! A true work of art. I'll totally modify my schedule to get into that game.

...or I would, had event trading and signup not closed twelve hours ago. Hm. Well, I'll stop by, and if there's room, I'll drop in. I'll just have to remind myself to make a note of it on my schedule when I get it on paper!

~waves~ You all have fun this year! ~goes back to rowing the galley as the drums beat and the whips hit my back~

~rereads my post~ Darn! I forgot that I am in the South.

[Heavy Southern accent]Y'all have a good time! Y'all don't stay up too late![/Heavy Southern accent]


rknop wrote:

I am currently in San Fransisco, which is a 3-day stop on the way to Seattle. (Previous 3 days were in Alameda and Richmond, so 6 days in the SF Bay Area.)

Probably ought to read Solstice Scar more carefully now, and reread all the others.

All the maps and printed scenarios and pawns I'm carrying with me amount to a surprising amount of weight. I brought 0 books. Uf-da.

Waves from Richmond!

Kate Baker wrote:
rknop wrote:

I am currently in San Fransisco, which is a 3-day stop on the way to Seattle. (Previous 3 days were in Alameda and Richmond, so 6 days in the SF Bay Area.)

Probably ought to read Solstice Scar more carefully now, and reread all the others.

All the maps and printed scenarios and pawns I'm carrying with me amount to a surprising amount of weight. I brought 0 books. Uf-da.

Waves from Richmond!

Adding a wave from Berkeley! I'd love to suggest we get together while you're in town, but I'm focusing all my effort on fighting off this brutal cold I've got so I can be at least semi-functional for PaizoCon.

I'll second Burma Superstar as a good recommendation, among many, many great places to eat in SF (there's also one in Alameda). Their tea leaf salad is great!

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Superscriber

If I were here longer, I'd say we should ask try to get together. But, in two days I fly for Seattle, an in the meantime there's family and other friends to visit. (This morning I'm going to drop by the Exploratorium to meet a colleague.)

Grand Lodge

And I'm off to Las Vegas.

I'll be in Seattle in two days. Already Ready for Rob's "Green Market" Thursday!

I think some Paizo people will be at PaizoCon 8^0 to 8^)

some oldy moldies like me too... lol, someone has to rep unfathomable chaos in the universe.

Silver Crusade

Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
I wish I could. A medical procedure used all my vacation time last year and I've got another one some time later this year. Enjoy yourselves everyone.

I hope everything turns out fine for you.

Silver Crusade

Sadly my wife and I again can not go. I have finally finished my schooling and received my license no job as of yet. That should change soon and we are planning on returning next year. Everybody have fun!!!

Shadow Lodge

I'll be there all weekend!

I'm on my way. Bags are packed and will be off to airport shortly for a long plane ride.

Silbeg wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Pretty much exactly what Curaigh said, except substitute "Bestiary Bash" with "this Pathfinder game idea I had".

I might look to run a pickup Paranoia game or something, but regardless, I'll be there! I hope to see some of you guys. Last Paizocon was kinda lonely. :(

Paranoia? Wow, been a long time since i was in alpha complex... you interested in doing it Sunday or Monday afternoon?

Update: I will be looking to run a bit of Paranoia in my in-between times, so look for me in Evergreen 4 every now and again. I'm there right now, in fact.

Alas, I'm not making it to Paizocon after all. After a six hour delay last night, my flight to Seattle was cancelled. I could not rebook a flight that would get me there before 3PM on Saturday. That means it wasn't going to be worth it. I cancelled my hotel and my flights, and went back home. (I couldn't get a flight back home from Philadelphia, so I ended up renting a car one-way and driving.)

Next year for sure!

Next year, I'm heading out on Wednesday.

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