A Sincere and Modest Proposal to Paizo and the RPGSS Community

RPG Superstar™ General Discussion

Sovereign Court Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

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To the team at Paizo, and the RPGSS community-at-large,

As we have all seen and heard, the beloved spectacle that is the annual RPG Superstar contest has been put on an indeterminate hiatus. It is my understanding that many here in the community are taken aback as their potential contest entries must be set aside for the time being.

Now, if there is one thing I've gleaned from my time interacting with this contest and its contestants, it is that there is a geyser of creativity that is always set to burst forth the moment the open call submission form went online. Lengthy voting periods brought the community together to vote, laugh, mingle, and (Most importantly) learn.

I am by no means an expert, but in the two years I entered and participated, I saw some absolutely incredible things. Security Blanket, Springheart, Rod of Ghost Teeth, Caber Twig, Gorgon Sinew Lariat, and there was that one awesome cloak that let you leap from Graves but I can't for the life of me remember the name of it.

These are just a few names and examples of the crazy-creative items that have come out of Round 1s the past couple years.

So I was thinking about all of the amazing stuff that has been presented to the masses over the years, and I got to thinking, "What if Paizo took a bunch of those great items from years past and made a compendium of them? Almost like another Ultimate Equipment, but name it, Like, 'Superstar Equipment Codex' or something?"

I guess such an idea would beg the questions:

Is something like this even feasible?
Would enough people get behind it?
What/who would determine the items that go into it?
And I'm sure another truckload of questions would sneak in there, too.

I was also figuring that something like this would be perfect to galvanize the RPGSS community for this season, seeing as a new contest is out of the question. (Which I respectfully understand)

So my question to both Paizo and the RPGSS community is this:

"Can this be done? and if so, who's in?"

Side note: I get the feeling it won't be a simple thing to arrange, but I honestly do feel of "Hey, let's get together and make something awesome!"

I'ma just gonna go ahead and bump this, I think we all know why...

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Around the office (wait, we don't have one of those) of The Flying Pincushion, things like "I miss RPGSS" and "We could totally do something similar" have been flying around.

Not to say for sure, but a certain small publisher just maybe is trying to fill the void with a smaller, but no less rewarding and fun, contest inspired by RPGSS.

Just saying...the chatter is there, and ideas are forming, feelers are going out (why does that last bit sound creepy?).

Scarab Sages

The Know Direction folks mentioned something similar recently. I think it's a great idea Brigg!

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