Is it time for community moderators?

Website Feedback

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I'm sorry to have to say this, but Paizo has something of a problem with overly aggressive posting that verges on bullying, and I'm starting to feel like it's really slowing website traffic. The rules, advice, and general discussion forums feel kind of hostile a lot of the time, and I've noticed they aren't really as busy as they used to be and seen a few high profile instances of people leaving. For my part, I don't post much anymore and largely only observe the Pathfinder RPG forums because of it.

Which segues into the issue at heart - moderators are Paizo employees, and as long as they're trying to deal with people being jerks, they aren't doing all the other tasks they were hired to perform that are essential to keeping Paizo running as a company. So unless Paizo can afford the payroll to increase tech staff because we can't be nice to each other, maybe it's time some of the burden of policing shifted to the community as a whole. If such posters as the Paizo staff feel are trustworthy could mod on a volunteer basis, it may prove feasible to more directly confront some of the more aggressive posting behaviors while simultaneously relieving the Paizo staff of some of that workload so they can work on other tasks. The addition of moderators living across several time zones with varied work and sleep schedules could also make it much easier to respond to major incidents and spam attacks in a timely manner, as it may be possible to generally always have somebody with authority online, or at least have a better distribution of times where moderators are available.

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I imagine the answer will be the same as every other time this has been proposed. Paizo seems to be staunchly opposed to community moderators.

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No, thank you.

Community & Digital Content Director

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While we appreciate the enthusiasm from members of our community whenever this suggestion is brought up, at this time we are not considering volunteer moderators for The best way you can help our team is by utilizing the methods of reporting posts we have (flagging, emailing, or posting in this subforum) and allowing our staff the opportunity to review rather than engaging the problematic posts. We're also open to suggestions for our forums and Community Guidelines in general pretty much all the time, and appreciate the input we received from folks.

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