Ire of the storm Chronicles question

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge 2/5

The bonus chronicle gives you the option of getting 2 prestige and no XP or gold. Was this supposed to be 2 fame and prestige?

If no, does this allow a new character gaining the chronicles to have more prestige than fame?

Paizo Employee 4/5 Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

The verbage for granting Prestige Points and Fame typically reference just giving Prestige Points. For example, you'll see in the Primary Success Conditions and Secondary Success Conditions entries in adventures "Each PC earns 1 Prestige Point" with no reference to Fame. However, the PCs are still gaining equal amounts of each.

When a PC earns only Prestige Points and not Fame, we're very clear about it (e.g. "You regain 2 previously expended Prestige Points. If you have more Prestige Points than Fame, you must spend any excess points or lose them.").

Grand Lodge 2/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The fourth Chronicle for this module starts by saying,

"Savior of Pridon’s Hearth: When you earn this Chronicle sheet, you may choose whether or not to receive XP, Prestige Point, and gold rewards; you may instead choose to gain no XP and gold; you instead earn 2 Prestige Points and still qualify for all of the boons and items on this sheet. If you elect to earn the full rewards, you gain 3 XP, 6 Prestige Points, and 6,756 gp (3,378 gp for characters use the slow track method of advancement)."

Is this meant to mean that if you choose the XP/GP/PP you don't gain access to the boons?

4/5 ****

Darrell Impey UK wrote:

The fourth Chronicle for this module starts by saying,

"Savior of Pridon’s Hearth: When you earn this Chronicle sheet, you may choose whether or not to receive XP, Prestige Point, and gold rewards; you may instead choose to gain no XP and gold; you instead earn 2 Prestige Points and still qualify for all of the boons and items on this sheet. If you elect to earn the full rewards, you gain 3 XP, 6 Prestige Points, and 6,756 gp (3,378 gp for characters use the slow track method of advancement)."

Is this meant to mean that if you choose the XP/GP/PP you don't gain access to the boons?

No, you always gain the boons and have the option of XP/GP/PP or not.

Grand Lodge 2/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So it's just like an extreme version of slow advancement? Got it, thanks.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pirate Rob wrote:
Darrell Impey UK wrote:

The fourth Chronicle for this module starts by saying,

"Savior of Pridon’s Hearth: When you earn this Chronicle sheet, you may choose whether or not to receive XP, Prestige Point, and gold rewards; you may instead choose to gain no XP and gold; you instead earn 2 Prestige Points and still qualify for all of the boons and items on this sheet. If you elect to earn the full rewards, you gain 3 XP, 6 Prestige Points, and 6,756 gp (3,378 gp for characters use the slow track method of advancement)."

Is this meant to mean that if you choose the XP/GP/PP you don't gain access to the boons?

No, you always gain the boons and have the option of XP/GP/PP or not.

So what's the point of saying no to all the rewards? Is it an extremely slow advancement instead?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Saying "No" gives you more Prestige.

It's a way of mitigating the Prestige you're losing by playing three Modules.

Some people may want to play their character for the level that the fourth Chronicle would otherwise give.

Grand Lodge 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

John Compton explained the ambiguous wording of module bonus chronicles back in 2015 - see this post:

Stop the Plunder and Peril Bloodshed!


To summarize:
Method 1: Full/normal module rewards + boons and items, as applicable. Let's you hyper-level a single PC. w00t!

Method 2: 2PP only + boons and items, as applicable -- helps improve the prestige awarded by the module track without forcing you to level, as others have stated (but does not deprive you of boons/items)

Grand Lodge 4/5

HoloGnome PFS wrote:

John Compton explained the ambiguous wording of module bonus chronicles back in 2015 - see this post:

Stop the Plunder and Peril Bloodshed!


To summarize:
Method 1: Full/normal module rewards + boons and items, as applicable. Let's you hyper-level a single PC. w00t!

Method 2: 2PP only + boons and items, as applicable -- helps improve the prestige awarded by the module track without forcing you to level, as others have stated (but does not deprive you of boons/items)

Oh, thank goodness for this being around.

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