Death or Glory


How would you go about making a character that cannot be taken down non-lethally?
That is, it requires at least the effort of a Raise Dead to put them back after being removed from the fight.

The best I have is an Alchemist with Mummification and Diehard. Immune to poison, nonlethal damage, and can keep fighting below 0 HP.

Any way to get this combination earlier than lvl 10? Or to be immune to more forms of nonlethal takedown?

Edit: Elven Alchemist, for the sleep immunity.

The three most common, positive hp, methods I see to remove someone from a fight are sleep, paralysis, and grappling. Often followed by the application of large quantities of rope and chain. Shoring up your defenses to these routes will be important.

Why do you even worry about that? I am more concerned with lethal attacks myself ;)

To troll railroading GMs, obviously!

I also like optimizing really stupid, gimmicky stuff.

Ring of freedom of movement will take care of the problems Java Man mentioned.

Problem: costs 40,00 gp
Unless you have a buddy cleric or druid to cast it on you starting at level 7, that is.
Oh, or unless you're 10th level, then you can use it yourself

Liberty's Edge

I suggest an Unchained Barbarian mixed with the Android race. Here you will be immune to fatigue, exhaustion, sleep and diseases. And a lot of bonuses vs. various other things such as all mind-affecting effects and stun. Many of these will be able to shut down a character.

The Superstitious rage power will also help you versus spells and spell-like abilities.

Another suggestion would be to go Rogue 3 and make a two-weapon fighting barbarian. Use Kukris and have them be +1 furious weapons as soon as possible.

This will give you dex to hit and damage with your kukris. And you will only be one BAB behind.

Just my 2 cent.

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