Derek Weil |
I was talking to a co-worker today about my experience at a recent PFS gameday and RPGs in general. The result of this was that I was invited to GM for his gaming group.
Some background information:
The group is pretty well-established and meets once per month for 4-5 hours each time. They have been playing D&D 3.5 for some time now. They are finishing a campaign this December, just before one of the group members moves away. My co-worker has been GMing for some time and would like to play, and I have just enough experience GMing that I feel comfortable in that role. I have never played any version of D&D, but he tells me that the group's main goal is first to play (system is not super-important to them), and 3.5 is not too far off, especially if we start with CRB and APG or similar.
My co-worker and I work at a CPA firm and have, at the very least, 2-3 months each year when gaming simply cannot happen.
Our plan would be to begin after the 2017 spring tax filing season (late April or early May next year).
With a once-per-month schedule we would have at best 9 sessions between tax seasons. I don't necessarily need to try to cram a whole campaign into this time, but this leads into my questions:
I own a couple nice adventures, The Dragon's Demand (Level 1-7 module) and the Mummy's Mask AP. I've already GM'ed the former, but not the latter.
1) On average, how many gaming sessions would it take to complete an entire AP? It seems like with the schedule above, it would be a 2-year commitment.
I liked Dragon's Demand, but I like running new stuff too. There's another multi-level module, Ire of the Storm, that covers levels 1-6 with the very next module to come out being a great fit for a sequel.
2) Would it be better to start a bit smaller, tackling something we could reasonably play through next year? I'd love to run an AP, but it is a big commitment.
3) Am I maybe better off going out and trying something new for everyone like 5th edition? A major advantage of PF is that the players can access the rules online for free, and I'm experienced with the system. I'm not terribly fond of the power creep, but it seems to bother me less when I'm GMing than playing. But maybe other systems have less of an issue here?
Thanks for any and all comments. I appreciate your input!
Dox of the ParaDox twins |
1) at 4-5 hours per session I'd say a few months maybe a year depending on the players, the real question is do you think you can run a game to fruition, even if it is two years
2) that's up to you, personally I think an AP is a great way to get to know a new group of players
3) run what you want, if you like pathfinder play pathfinder, personally I don't like 5th much, that's not to say I wouldn't have fun but I'd rather play pathfinder. Plus if these are 3.5 players then they'll catch on fast, and the free rules helps them learn it pretty fast, also you mention power creep, yeah 3.x and pathfinder are pretty infamous here but it exists in every system if a player is a munchkin then they're a munchkin regardless of system
Just my two coppers
Derek Weil |
Thanks for taking the time to reply!
Obviously most of this will be up to me to figure out with the group assuming we move ahead.
Their current campaign will have covered 2 years, so they are used to sticking with a longer time commitment (and they have been gaming for much longer than this). I think I could make the commitment as well, but I hate the idea of leaving things hanging partway through if life gets in the way. Obviously you can't plan for everything.
I am a bit nervous jumping in as a GM with an established group. I'll have to see if I can sit in on a play session or two first to get a feel for the players. Any other suggestions on that front?
Arcaian |
Just want to say - it sounds like they do a fair bit of roleplay. I'd like to warn you that the AP can take a lot, LOT longer than a few months if they are - the group I GM Hell's Rebels for is up to 12 sessions, meeting 2 times a month for ~6 hours a session, and we're 1/2 way through Book 2 - we just go in-depth with the roleplaying. We'll likely take ~2 years to finish Hell's Rebels, at this pace.
Why not run an AP where Book 1 resolves things quite nicely?
Serpent's Skull
Serpent's Skull has book 1 happen on a jungle island - the end of it is cool and leads onto book 2, but can very, very easily be modified to be the end. That way if it's taking too long, or you can't continue it for some reason, can end early, otherwise, can run it :)
Matt2VK |
If you're looking for something like a Dungeon Crawl, I suggest Emerald Spire.
This is a BIG dungeon with lots of floors. Each floor takes around 3-5 hours to clear and there is a 'loose' plot linking them together.
Roleplaying opportunities: The PDF gives some suggested "plot lines" for events around and leading into the Spire. These plot lines are more up to the GM and the Players if they want to be used. There's also couple of different floors in the dungeon with different factions allowing some role play in the dungeon...or the players can be pure murder hobos and kill everything :)
What's bad -
First 2 levels can be a pain to play due to limited vision effects. Might discourage people from playing.
Lack of role playing (This is a dungeon crawl)
Useable party loot. While the loot that drops fits what the party is fighting, most of it is not what I consider 'useable' party loot. There is a small town (more of a fort) on a major trading road nearby that the party can 'commission' traders to purchases magic items from.
rashiakas |
I gm a group who meets once a month for about 8-10 hours each session. We started way back in 2011. We are currently in part 4 of carrion crown, about halfway trough.
My group is pretty RP heavy and I added lot of exra content like carrion hill, but still it takes a long time to finish an AP if you play once a month.
But it is a lot of fun and we all are eager to finish the campaign, no matter how long it takes.