5e Unearthed Arcana: Barbarian Primal Paths

5th Edition (And Beyond)

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The Elixir of Health spell is an interesting design choice. Wizards doing the healing.

Ceremony is definitely a standout. Some things are busted like zephyr strike, and some have really cool ideas like cause fear triggering off remaining HP.

I also love how dumb sudden awakening is. It feels like a very D&D spell.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

The 24 hour duration of the Elixir makes it an excellent use for your remaining spell slots before resting (you may want to save some in case of a night-time ambush).

I could see it being still good but not a must-take as 12 hour duration spell for morning use for the rest of the adventuring day, rather than a setup for the next day (spell benefits overflowing effects beyond a long rest opens the door for some wonky stuff, in my opinion).

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

"Marriage. You touch adult humanoids willing to be bonded together in marriage. For the next 24 hours, each target gains a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws while they are within 30 feet of each other. A creature can benefit from this ceremony just once."

Kind of judgy there, 1st level spell.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

hiiamtom wrote:

Ceremony is definitely a standout. Some things are busted like zephyr strike, and some have really cool ideas like cause fear triggering off remaining HP.

I also love how dumb sudden awakening is. It feels like a very D&D spell.

Sudden Awakening is basically someone waking up the party before rolling initiative for a wandering monster. It kind of reminds me of a Pathfinder spell/feat that takes something everyone does, and makes it something only the specially trained can do now.

Unearthly Chorus seems way overpowered. Why would you ever use Charm Person if this spell exists?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Kalshane wrote:
Unearthly Chorus seems way overpowered. Why would you ever use Charm Person if this spell exists?

It cannot be used at all in combat, foils most attempts at stealth, targets a saving throw that may be stronger for many spellcasting monsters, doesn't grant advantage on intimidation, and is an illusion.

On the plus side, you get the full hour without concentration on top of 10 minutes of concentration, and can target multiple creatures over time, target a saving throw that is weaker for a lot of beaters and wizard-type casters.

My main objection isn't that it's better than charm person (it probably isn't), but that it's mostly the same.

Except, for some reason, it doesn't actually charm creatures. I really feel like it shouldn't work on creatures immune to charmed.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Survey for the spells, and downtime activities (including shopping for magic items and crafting magic items). Also, foil NPCs.

Quick Read: It's not magic marts, it's more like a black market for magic items on account of how valuable they are, attracting thieves and cons and other such trouble. Even if you use the rules, there's no check a player can make that guarantees an item's availability.

Each week spent carousing in low class society carries a 1% chance of ending up married. Fortunately, this is one outcome that isn't marked with an * to indicate a potential foil.

This is more like an interesting advice booklet than anything. I really like the idea of scribbling out the plans for the time and then adjusting as you play the time out. Given where I plan to go in my CoS game this will be really useful since time will be tracked by weeks from a central location as things happen around the players and they spend a few days investigating.

Basically, I plan on playing a game of One Quiet Year during the campaign and let the players drive a lot of world building as they discover new things, and I'm sprinkling some cards that indicate DM's choice like Epidemic cards in Pandemic. It means a lot of in-game weeks potentially passing by with lout event.

Sovereign Court

I really dig these downtime rules!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

We did Rise of the Rune Lords in a 5e conversion, and we're going to pick up that campaign 10 years later where we're still 14th level, but have been busy NOT adventuring. I sent the link to our DM...

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

SmiloDan wrote:
We did Rise of the Rune Lords in a 5e conversion, and we're going to pick up that campaign 10 years later where we're still 14th level, but have been busy NOT adventuring. I sent the link to our DM...

May I suggest a rousing 520 weeks of carousing with nobility? It would only cost a mere 260k gold for that lifestyle.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I want to make a Dwarven Thrower....

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Feats...for skills. Also downtime survey.

Did you want more feats that +1 a stat? Expertise in a skill? Some ribbon-ish benefit? This is the UA for you.

Quick take:

Brawny: Great for grappling if you don't want to dip rogue.
Menacing: Great for Cha classes with attacks to spare (Hexblades, Valbards, Paladins) to apply a powerful condition repeatedly (as long as they keep succeeding), which can't be stopped by legendary resistance. Might need changing, though a fair bit of things are immune to the condition so it may be balanced.
Historian: This feels like a fair take on Guidance, I just really like this one.

Those look quite fun, yes.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Oh my, haven't liked an Unearthed Arcana this much since, I think, the wizard and warlock one with specialized invocations for each patron (except Undying).

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Silver-Tongued looks really fun too.

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Stealthy is terrific, but I don't like that a good number of these are things I would allow without feats in my games. I mean it's good for DMs that don't allow intimidate to draw attention or cause fear or performance to distract others, but for me it is providing rules that are "baked in" to the system for me that are now feat exclusive.

HOWEVER, a +1 stat with expertise or gaining the skill is outstanding without the extra benefit. Waaaay better than skilled.

They're only exclusive if you (or your GM) want them to be.

Three extra skills or +1 to a stat and one skill/expertise in said skill. I'm not sure it's quite as clear as you suggest.

Sovereign Court

There was some odd overlap, like the UA medicine feat, and the one in the Core. I think I like the core one better.

But the skill-feat concept is solid.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber



You count as if you were one size larger for the purpose of determining your carrying capacity

Does this do anything for halflings? It appears not.

Sovereign Court

Do they carry less as small sized? I forget.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I don't think so. It's 15 pounds per point of Strength, right? For both Small and Medium PCs.

So treating a Small PC as Medium-sized in terms of carrying capacity doesn't do anything for them.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

"Size and Strength. Larger creatures can bear more weight, whereas Tiny creatures can carry less. For each size category above Medium, double the creature's carrying capacity and the amount it can push, drag, or lift. For a Tiny creature, halve these weights." --PHB pg 176

So yeah, in 5th edition Small and Medium creatures can carry the same amount of weight if they have the same Strength score. Different from what it was/is in 3rd and Pathfinder.

If it was me, I would either change that part in the PHB, or have the Small PCs be treated as Large (since they are basically treated as Medium for carry weight anyway) when it comes to carry capacity. As for creatures that have that as part of their race (bugbear, and I believe goliath and firbolg), I personally would have them treated as Huge for carrying capacity and such.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Adjule is right, they need to clean up the language of Brawny so it can benefit Small characters and Medium characters that carry as Large.

Sovereign Court

I would allow such an interpretation.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Survey for last week's Skill Feats, and this week: Racial Feats!.

Edit for my thoughts:
Bountiful Luck: Cool feat, definitely makes having a halfling around lucky. But...I don't see myself taking this feat. 1s don't happen that often, and you'd need to be a class which doesn't use its reaction much.

Dragon Fear: 1m AOE fear that they don't get to save against again, until they take damage. So you can just handle enemies one at a time while most can't approach (or have disadvantage). This is a fear which might actually make enemies flee voluntarily, lest they be slaughtered one at a time. Oh, and it's +1 to a mainstat of course. This is very good.

Dragon Hide: On the flip side, this feat allows you to get cat claws and isn't too appealing, unless you're a barbarian.

Dwarven Resilience: Remember 4e dwarves? Second wind is back, kinda! This gets more exciting if you can Dodge as a bonus action (as a Monk perhaps). Actually, quite a few of these feats are callbacks to 4e racials.

Elven Accuracy: I guess if you want to fish for crits, there's this.

Flames of Phlegethos: I don't like the precedent this might set for having races do some common themes better (such as pyromancer), but honestly this one isn't great.

Orcish Aggression: This seems like it would be a lot of fun, but the opportunity cost since it doesn't round an odd stat...hard to tell how it plays out. I'd like to test it.

Squat Nimbleness: Slow no more. Also another way to get expertise on athletics, if you want to wrassle.

The power level of these feats are all over the place. For example, Orcish Aggression seems way too weak, while Orcish Fury seems way too powerful.

I like Dragon Fear. It gives dragonborn something useful to do with their breath weapon.

Everybody's Friend seems a bit much. Can Half-elves manage to get proficiency in every skill yet? (Multi-classed Rogue/Lore Bard with the Skilled Feat and this would get them pretty close, I think.)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I don't mind at all if someone lives their dream of having all the skill profs.

Orcish Fury seems pretty good, but I don't think it's nuts.

Most of these feats that +1 a stat do blow out the other options for +1, though those feats were mostly unused anyhow (in my experience). Lots of Con options here, while many will still want Resilient (Con), now you can kinda build your own +2 Con with effects for two feats (Is prof on Con saves + the other feat's effects worth a feat? Probably).

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Kalshane wrote:

The power level of these feats are all over the place. For example, Orcish Aggression seems way too weak, while Orcish Fury seems way too powerful.

I like Dragon Fear. It gives dragonborn something useful to do with their breath weapon.

Everybody's Friend seems a bit much. Can Half-elves manage to get proficiency in every skill yet? (Multi-classed Rogue/Lore Bard with the Skilled Feat and this would get them pretty close, I think.)

I don't know if Orcish Aggression is that weak. I DMed a bunch of orcs, and a bonus action Move can be very powerful. Especially on a fast class, like a barbarian or monk. It's really useful on big battlefields with several clumps of combatants.

I like them. The Bountiful Luck feat is probably best for a large party. The more PCs, the more rolls, and the more chances for Natural 1s. :-P

There are 18 skills. A half-elf rogue/Lore bard will have 12 skills (2 racial, 2 background, 4 class, 4 more class), so with Skilled and Prodigy and Everybody's Friend (or a couple levels in Warlock for Beguiling Influence) will add 6 more skills, for a total of 18.

And one of those skills is Performance, so it (and the Prodigy feat?) can be skipped. :-P

I'm just thinking that for the same feat cost as Orcish Aggression, I could take Mobile and not have to give up my bonus action for extra movement and get some other nice perks as well. (Granted, it's only one-third the amount of movement from Orcish Aggression, but it can used all the time, not just when I need to close with an enemy.)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Yeah, Orcish Aggression is very hit-or-miss, because it's a feat that only does one thing. If there's an enemy backline to crash, this feat'll get you there. If there isn't and the enemy is a group of the same melee monster (which I see a lot), this feat does nothing.

I think it would still be balanced and less risky to take if it +1'd a physical stat.

A berserker with Barbed Hide would be pretty cool.

Dragon Hide is really cool.

Elven Accuracy is great in the right group and a damage boosting feat (say partnered with Mastermind).

Flames of Phlegethos is pretty cool, especially when paired with the elemental damage feat making it a huge boost to spells like Fireball.

Grudge-Bearer is great in the right campaign.

Prodigy is pretty good for a generic skill feat.

I don't hate anything I don't think.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Humans seem stuck with the Boring McBoringface theme.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Prodigy does seem like something anyone can get. Is it the only option that represents general learning? Something that represents that you've been out in the world and it has affected you.

For example, in 3.5/PF, I usually kept a skill rank per level in reserve to dabble in various things, especially in skills that represent what my PC had done while adventuring. For example, I had an elf druid that took a rank in Profession (sailor) after a long ocean voyage. It was flavorful, and came in handy when canoeing or sailing the seven seas. I also put ranks in Linguistics to learn Aquan, Auran Ignan, and Terran (now represented by Primordial) so I could speak to my summoned elementals.


Dwarf Resilience would be a great feat for my dwarf cleric. When he isn't concentrating on bless, he can concentrate on spirit guardians, wade into melee, and Dodge. He did it in RotRL against 60 ogres at once (and we survived!), while spamming healing word and mass healing word. He had AC 20 (full plate and shield), so forcing disadvantage made him nigh-impenetrable.


I think it would be neat if you could take Dragon Wings 2 or 3 times, increasing flight speed by 20 feet each time.

Prodigy is pretty nice. It's better than Skilled, provided you don't mind getting a skill, tool and language, rather than three skills.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Disappointed at the lack of love that Wonder Maker is getting, it has to be my favourite feat out of this bunch, but then I love the concept of tinker gnomes *rides away on giant space hamster*.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

RE: Wonder Maker:
In my opinion, the wonder was inside the gnome all along. A gnome in my game rigged up the music box to a tripwire for a makeshift alarm.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I feel like the benefit of Performer is something anyone could do.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Just the weather sensor is awesome.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Survey for Racial Feats, and some UA archetypes revisited.

Barbarian: Ancestral Guardian
Bard: Swords
Fighter: Arcane Archer
Monk: Kensei
Sorcerer: Favored Soul

My first point of interest is Kensei. Kensei weapons are now counted as Monk weapons, which is great because that's what everyone intuitively thought they were.
Bonus AC doesn't cost an action, but you do need to toss a punch as part of your main attack, not Martial Arts. More deadly shuriken (I mean...darts too, since you can use your martial arts dice for them (if you make them a kensei weapon) and bonus action to add another d4. Or a hilariously powerful blowgun.

Next, the Arcane Archer. Starting at 3rd level, you have a minimum magic level for your bow. Arcane Shots are used on hit, not attack. The effects are quite powerful, though they only get 2/short rest, unlike Battle Masters that get 4 dice/short rest. You learn more, but never get additional uses.

Ancestral Guardian Barbarian is a very "Defender" archetype. Your target might as well not bother going for your allies, due to disadvantage and half damage. At 6th level, you can further reduce damage to allies. Your ancestors love your friends more than they love you, I think.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

At 15th (which is pretty late), you get a single use of Arcane Shot when you roll initiative.

I like the refinement across the board, but I still think AA should use superiority dice.

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why would they rework the Arcane Archer instead of every single other archetype from that UA?

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I'd wager they got more feedback about the Arcane Archer than the other archetypes, if our discussion microcosm might indicate the greater world. We had a lot more posts about the Arcane Archer than the others.

Likewise the Kensei also stood out for changing in our posts, among the Monk archetypes.

Someone at Enworld pointed out that TWF is now a lousy option for the Blade. All of the flourishes are "An Action that incorporates a single attack [or two starting at 6th level]" rather than the Attack Action, so the off-hand attack will never trigger.

Personally, I don't understand why they couldn't just make the flourishes "When you use the Attack action, you can expend a Bardic Inspiration Die to..." and give them Extra Attack at 2nd level. This seems needlessly complicated.

Crawford confirmed the wording on the Blade Flourish too.

They could also change it to "make a special Attack action" to indicate they are changing the Attack action general rule.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Petty Alchemy wrote:

Next, the Arcane Archer. Starting at 3rd level, you have a minimum magic level for your bow. Arcane Shots are used on hit, not attack.

Seriously? That just seems weird to me. what would that look like?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I like the Ancestral Guardian barbarian too. It's weird how much I like D&D interrupters, but really hated it when I played Magic the Gathering.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Circle of the Shepherd, Cavalier, Oath of Conquest, and Celestial warlock patron, plus new Invocations.

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