Kellid clan names


Shadow Lodge

Might sound silly, but I need some advice for Kellid, particularly Sarkorian clan names.

I know somewhere in the published material there's a list of a few of them (I snagged one for my play-by-post Kellid summoner), but I can't for the life of me remember what material it was I snagged it from. I'll take a look through the books I have and see if I can't find the list again.

Lost Kingdoms is your friend.
Clans;Allriver, Balemoon, Icelodge Tamer, Widowknife. that's just a couple let us know if you need more.

Eldred the Grey wrote:

Lost Kingdoms is your friend.

Clans;Allriver, Balemoon, Icelodge Tamer, Widowknife. that's just a couple let us know if you need more.

That's the one! I knew I had it somewhere. :) Like Eldred said, there's more if you don't fancy those particular ones. They tend to favor affirmations of strength and references to natural phenomena, if you'd rather come up with something of your own.

Sovereign Court

Do any of the Sarkorian Clans have background stories?

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