FULL 3.5 to Pathfinder Warlock conversion.


15 people marked this as a favorite.

Below are 50+ pages of warlock-y goodness!

The warlock base class remains very similar to the 3.5 version. There are now, however, 10 different pacts to choose from each with unique flavor and properties (and perhaps more to come). Next is the invocations page, some are new, some are removed and many are changed. Last is the feats page, adding new feats, listing possibly useful feats and consolidating others.

While this is not a WIP, I am very eager to hear feedback, especially when it comes to adding more content or balance issues.

Please enjoy!

Warlock base class

Warlock pacts

Warlock invocations

Warlock feats

Good to have some more free adapted warlock stuff out there. ;)

Any chance you can make a PDF out of all this? Maybe add some Dnd warlock artwork into it for fun?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Did the 3.5 warlock have pacts? I thought that came up in the 4th edition version. I think they're a fine addition, I just don't remember them being part of the class. I think it was part of the flavor text that the warlock's powers came from some pact, but there were no mechanics behind it. I could be wrong, since my book is not nearby for me to check.

I'd change "Feywild Pact" to "First World Pact" for PF. It's Golarion-specific in nature but general enough that I don't know if Paizo can say that's a term they own. And I wouldn't be surprised if WotC owns the word "Feywild" since they started using it in 4e.

Sorry for the Necromancy, but I noticed that the first document doesn't contain the description for "Pact Apotheosis".

I have a player that was interested in using this class, so I was going over things and noticed it was missing.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Folks might also want to check out the Warlock class in the soon to be released (as in, next month :) New Paths Compendium harcover.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Quick follow up - the New Paths Compendium is now available for preorder!

New Paths Compendium preorder

It will also be available in a few weeks right here through Paizo.com as well!

Is this the same warlock in new paths compedium?

Liberty's Edge

Alex Smith 908 wrote:
Is this the same warlock in new paths compedium?

Sorry, not sure I understand your question ...

Alex Smith 908 wrote:
Is this the same warlock in new paths compedium?

No it is not. This is a conversion.

The Warlock that will appear in the New Path compedium is a new Warlock class being released with the update of the book from unlocking the Kickstarter pledge goals.

Liberty's Edge

Marc Radle wrote:

Quick follow up - the New Paths Compendium is now available for preorder!

New Paths Compendium preorder

It will also be available in a few weeks right here through Paizo.com as well!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know the Expanded and Updated New Paths Compendium Hardcover is now available right here on Paizo.com!!

Expanded and Updated New Paths Compendium Hardcover

Three posts concerning your own product yet not a single word or even acknowledgement for the OP's original topic. This is, as far as I am concerned, a bit impolite.

Somehow the forums ate a portion of my post. Here's the rest:

@ Yirrixees ... I like what you've done with the conversion, although there are a few minor rules language glitches. I will be reviewing the rest of your class and will comment when I am done. Hopefully you still haunt these forums.:p


Liberty's Edge

Volvogg wrote:
Three posts concerning your own product yet not a single word or even acknowledgement for the OP's original topic. This is, as far as I am concerned, a bit impolite.

You are absolutely right! My apologies!

I actually checked it out when Yirrixees first posted but never commented on it, and I should have!

To the OP, I think what you've done is a great start and really captures the 3.5 warlock a lot! Agree that the rule language could stand a polish here and there but overall, really nice work!

Yirrixees wrote:

Below are 50+ pages of warlock-y goodness!

The warlock base class remains very similar to the 3.5 version. There are now, however, 10 different pacts to choose from each with unique flavor and properties (and perhaps more to come). Next is the invocations page, some are new, some are removed and many are changed. Last is the feats page, adding new feats, listing possibly useful feats and consolidating others.

While this is not a WIP, I am very eager to hear feedback, especially when it comes to adding more content or balance issues.

Please enjoy!

Warlock base class

Warlock pacts

Warlock invocations

Warlock feats

Yes, it's an ancient necro, but I very much like this. Was basically what I was looking for in a PF1 Warlock. Great work and thanks for sharing!

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