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So the Ectoplasmatist archetype for Spiritualist states in it's Spiritual Combat ability:
At 3rd level, as a full-round action, an ectoplasmatist can make all of her attacks with a single light or one-handed ectoplasmic lash wielded in one hand, and also cast a single spiritualist spell with a casting time of one standard action as a free action either before or after making the ectoplasmic lash attacks.
The ability says you can only use the light or one-handed version of the Ectoplasmic Lash, but it does not have specific language stating the other hand must be empty/free. As Psychic spells do not have somatic components, strictly as written this would mean you can have a shield in use in your other hand.
I searched the forum far and wide and did much googling, and have not found any sort of ruling that contradicts my above interpretation. If anyone knows of any rulings of any relevance to this, I'd appreciate hearing what you've got.

Kazaan |
I want to say you're good to go, but the wording of Spiritual Combat almost completely copies the Magus's Spell Combat. And Spell Combat requires a free-hand for the spell even if it has no somatic components. So my best advise is that, as it's written now, your "other hand" need not be free to cast the spell, but keep in mind that that may have been an oversight and could be errata'ed in the future.

vhok |
You could use a shield or wield the lash with two hands if you wanted.
The mind blade magus archetype can also use both hands thanks to psychic magic.
a shield sure another weapon in the other hand no problem but u get no extra attacks. however you cannot 2h the whip it says right in the ability single light or one-handed ectoplasmic lash wielded in one hand

Canthin |

Keep in mind, that just like the Mind Blade, you have to cast defensively to full attack + cast a spell in a threatened square, and your Concentration check to do that is 10 higher (25 + 2*spell level).
Thought Components: Thought components represent mental constructs necessary for the spell's function, such as picturing a wolf in vivid detail—down to the saliva dripping from its jaws—in order to cast beast shape to transform into a wolf. Thought components are so mentally demanding that they make interruptions and distractions extremely challenging. The DC for any concentration check for a spell with a thought component increases by 10. A psychic spellcaster casting a spell with a thought component can take a move action before beginning to cast the spell to center herself; she can then use the normal DC instead of the increased DC.
Without any bonuses to Concentration from Improved/Greater Spell Combat, your chances of successfully using Spell Combat with psychic spells is severely low, even with Combat Casting and Focused Mind.