question about a race boon

Pathfinder Society

I recently received a boon at a local con that allows me to create a Vishkanya character. It states that I have to make this boon chronicle sheet the first one applied to that character.

I also recently played in one of my local group's monthly sessions and used a 1st level pre-gen with the intention of applying it to an as-of-yet un-created character. (This happened before the con at which I received the race boon.)

My question is: can I apply both sheets to the same character, or do I have to make 2 separate characters because the pre-gen chronicle sheet was earned before the race boon?

I hope that makes sense.


4/5 ****

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1st level rebuild includes the ability to apply race boons that "must be applied first."

One thing you can't change with a rebuild is the character name. Would the name for the present character make sense with a vishkanya? It might be better off to start fresh.

Scarab Sages 4/5

You can change the character name as long as it isn't locked in on the site. Generally that doesn't happen until you have ten posts under that alias, or something like that.

Thanks, everyone, that clears things up.

As of now I still haven't created the character, so there is no name to worry about.

On that note, however, what are some suggestions you'd have for playing a Vishkanya character? This is new, unknown territory for me.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Anything that's Dex- and Cha-based.

Swashbuckler, Skald, ranged Paladin, Ninja, Bloodrager, Bard, Fractured Mind Spiritualist, social Rogue, Oracle or Sorcerer would all work well.

Grand Lodge 3/5

jasonm777 wrote:

Thanks, everyone, that clears things up.

As of now I still haven't created the character, so there is no name to worry about.

On that note, however, what are some suggestions you'd have for playing a Vishkanya character? This is new, unknown territory for me.

Play whatever you want. playing to the Vishkayna's strengths is always good; but you could also "dump" the bonus stats.

I have a Vishkanya Eldritch Scion [spontaneous-caster Magus archetype].

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
One thing you can't change with a rebuild is the character name. Would the name for the present character make sense with a vishkanya? It might be better off to start fresh.

Really? There's no technical reason why you can't, the DB accepts it just fine.

Scarab Sages

You should be able to change character names. Otherwise I would have several "Shinae's Awesome New Character" running. I don't often even decide the name I will be using until I make level 1 character rebuild.

I personally see no problem with it. Or is there some written rule about it I am not aware of?

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

Name changes only fail if you've used the character to post on the boards more then 10 times. Then the name is locked in. But that is just online. You can still rename Bob to Bill, as long as you let the GM know it will show up as Bob when reporting.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Given what a superficial aspect of the PC the name is, I don't see why you couldn't change it even after you're past the point of doing a rebuild. What's to stop a level 7 PC from getting a nickname or title, or just deciding to change their name? I even toyed with the idea of a gnome with such bad ADHD that even his name changes EVERY adventure.

Shadow Lodge *

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Fromper wrote:
Given what a superficial aspect of the PC the name is, I don't see why you couldn't change it even after you're past the point of doing a rebuild. What's to stop a level 7 PC from getting a nickname or title, or just deciding to change their name? I even toyed with the idea of a gnome with such bad ADHD that even his name changes EVERY adventure.

Absolutely. I have one character who is in the process of transforming into an angel (via the Aasimar racial feats) and has changed her name after every significant transformation.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Shadow Lodge *

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Nefreet wrote:

Yeah...pretty much.

She's my triple holy -- Aasimar Celestial Sorcerer Mystery Cultist.

Since you turned her into a *real* statue she has been gem-studded (via shaitan wish) and grown wings.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Oh! THAT character? Lol

Silver Crusade 3/5 5/5

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jasonm777 wrote:

Thanks, everyone, that clears things up.

As of now I still haven't created the character, so there is no name to worry about.

On that note, however, what are some suggestions you'd have for playing a Vishkanya character? This is new, unknown territory for me.

I am currently playing a Vishkanya Vigilante and having a great time. TWF with the Unarmed Strike and Finesse talents to keep my damage up to par and the Enforcer feat to add debuffs to her attacks. In terms of RP, her social identity is ll about redeeming criminals while her vigilante identity is all about beating them up until they decide that crime isn't worth the trouble.

Anything that uses Dex and/or Cha is a decent pick. While I would normally advise people to avoid Swashbuckler, this race gives it a reasonable save against the stat busting poisons that can shut you down with ease.

If you want to go archery, this race has a near perfect stat setup for the Medium. Just channel a Champion spirit and go to town.

And a shout out to the Alchemist: the ability to chug a Con mutagen means your racial poison (one of the few good poison options in PFS) will be that much harder to resist. Plus, the idea of a Vishkanya who experiments on ways to enhance their natural traits is pretty neat.

Tineke Bolleman wrote:
Name changes only fail if you've used the character to post on the boards more then 10 times. Then the name is locked in. But that is just online. You can still rename Bob to Bill, as long as you let the GM know it will show up as Bob when reporting.

Having multiple sessions reported will lock the name even if you never post on the boards with it.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Tineke Bolleman wrote:
Name changes only fail if you've used the character to post on the boards more then 10 times. Then the name is locked in. But that is just online. You can still rename Bob to Bill, as long as you let the GM know it will show up as Bob when reporting.
Having multiple sessions reported will lock the name even if you never post on the boards with it.

Umm... sorry, but that's not quite accurate. I just changed where an apostrophe was in one of my character's names and he's had over ten scenarios reported for him over the last two years.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Tineke Bolleman wrote:
Name changes only fail if you've used the character to post on the boards more then 10 times. Then the name is locked in. But that is just online. You can still rename Bob to Bill, as long as you let the GM know it will show up as Bob when reporting.
Having multiple sessions reported will lock the name even if you never post on the boards with it.
Umm... sorry, but that's not quite accurate. I just changed where an apostrophe was in one of my character's names and he's had over ten scenarios reported for him over the last two years.

I changed the name of my character -5, due to developments since 2011. He had at that point 24 sessions reported.

Shadow Lodge

The issue isn't sessions reported, it's forum posts; once you make 10 forum posts using that character as the alias (by selecting them in the "Post As" drop-down list to the left of the Preview/Cancel/Submit Post buttons), the name becomes locked in the system. If you never post as your character, it should never lock the name in.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Having multiple sessions reported will lock the name even if you never post on the boards with it.

I just went through a name change and then back again on this particular character (-2) created in 2010. Ten levels and nearly seven years later I think we can debunk this one.

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