Mightyeagle |

I have not been able to find. I just got both a witch and summoner class deck. Curious if I can stack a role power of character on top of my cohorts role power? Or can you use only 1power of either orn per check.
Would this apply to both witch and summoner classes? Which base set rule book covers in depth rules on how cohorts should be used and played?
Any advice is appreciated.

Parody |

Cohorts are covered in the Wrath of the Righteous rule book.
As Hawkmoon said, it's hard to answer questions without knowing the specific situation. In general Cohorts work like any other card: they have powers and you play the card by picking one of the powers and doing what it says. The major difference is that something has to give you one. For example, the Summoners and Witches (except for S&S Feiya) start with their Eidolon or Familiar because their character card says so. You can't mix-and-match Cohorts outside of what's allowed by whatever is giving you one. (You could, in theory, pass an Eidolon or Familiar Cohort card to someone else while it's in your hand, but that's probably a bad idea for whoever starts with the card.)

Mightyeagle |

Scenario example:
I have FEIYA: Beast-Bonder role card. One power if selected allows her when setting up, when you add cohorts to your hand, you may choose an additional witch class deck cohort that has the Arcane trait and add it to your hand. So I choose the Centipede Cohort as my add'l along with Daji which is her chosen one.
Daji is displayed as the card states to do, so that is not considered part of my hand. The centipede would be considered as part of my hand since the power says to "add to your hand".
Now the scenario starts, during my explorer; I encounter a monster.
Feiya uses her own power to: A.) Recharge a card to reduce the difficulty of that check by 1 plus the card adventure deck number. Then can I also use the Centipede power in my hand that states: "While displayed, you may recharge a card to add 1d12 and the Poison trait to your combat check. if you have a role card, add an additional 1d12. After the check put the card on top of your deck. Is this legit? So I could technically get 1d12 from Feiya INT check for combat + 2d12 from the centipede + any feats if applicable? Of course centipede would have to be displayed then put on top of my deck afterward.
OR, can I ONLY reduce difficulty &/or use the 2d12 BUT not both powers? Granted I would have to have enough cards to do recharge.

Mightyeagle |

Scenario II example (summoner class deck)
Balazar's cohort Padrig states "Display this card, while displayed, for your combat check, you may reveal a monster or spell to roll 2d10 or 2d12 if you have a role card. Add the card's adventure deck number and the melee trait. Can I then use Balazar's power to then banish this monster from your hand to add 1d4 plus the monster's adventure deck number to a combat check by a character at your location.
Is this legit? Or again, can you only use one or the other power? Since 1 power it the characters power and the 2nd power is his cohorts displayed power.
So say I reveal a level 1 monster I could get with a role card:
2d12 + 1 + 1d4 + 1... right?

Longshot11 |

Is this legit? ... Since 1 power it the characters power and the 2nd power is his cohorts displayed power.
Yes, both of your examples are legit, for the reason you state yourself. There's no contradiction there.
(However, in your first example, if Daji has a power that can add to your combat check, you wouldn't be able to play it, as you already played a Cohort - the Centepede, and cohorts still fall under th egeneral 'one card per type per check' rule; I think there was also a general rule that activating powers from displayed cards counts as playing those cards, but I cant find it right now)

Parody |

For the first, you can use multiple powers on a check as long as you can pay for them, so you can use the power on the Centipede and your character power together. You'd still have to determine the check skill separately without playing two cards of the same type (Cohort, for example) in the same check. (Unfortunately, I don't have my Witch deck here to look at the Cohorts myself.)
For the second, revealed cards immediately return to your hand, so you can reveal them for one power and then banish them for another.
Hope this helps.
(Edit: Guess I take too long to write responses. :)

elcoderdude |

Longshot is right that you can only play one cohort on a check.
The rule he cites:
Playing a card means using a power on that card by revealing, displaying, discarding, recharging, burying, or banishing that card or by performing another action specified by that card. Activating a power on a displayed card also counts as playing it.

Nefrubyr |

Daji is displayed as the card states to do, so that is not considered part of my hand. The centipede would be considered as part of my hand since the power says to "add to your hand".
Just to clear this up: all cohorts that you begin a scenario with are added to your hand as part of setup. Both Daji and the centipede start the game in your hand (as does Padrig, if you're playing Balazar).
A lot of cohorts, though, have a power that begins "Display this card." (including all the Witch class deck cohorts). Normally you'll display them before doing anything else on turn 1. Once you've done that, they are displayed, and not in your hand.

Mightyeagle |

So in reality let's say your starting hand say's 5. That would include lets say 2 cohorts in that 5. So once they are displayed you would technically only have 3 cards in hand for turn 1, since 2 in this case would be getting displayed until told to do something otherwise.
So at the end of your turn, would you then draw up to your hand size of 5? Since they continue to be displayed until told to do otherwise? And while being displayed they are not considered part of the hand? Right?
Hope I interpret this correctly. :)

Parody |

The rules for Cohorts tell you to add any Cohorts listed on your deck list after drawing your starting hand (p. 21 of the WotR Rulebook), so in your example you'd have 5 cards plus your Cohort(s). Feiya (CD Beast-Bonder) has a power that also adds a second Cohort after drawing your starting hand.
Scenarios that give Cohorts have their own rules, often requiring you to spread Cohorts out to people who don't already have them.
After the start of the game, you don't treat Cohort cards any different from others for hand size purposes. Displayed cards of any type aren't in your hand, so you don't count them.

Mightyeagle |

One more clarification. This would be for any of the Witch's CoHorts. Daji or Centipede I'm looking at in particular.
Both start off with the primary power Display this card, while displayed "do this".
Secondary power states While displayed "do this", then put this card on top of your deck.
Which now leads to my question. When I reset my hand, and draw my cohort back from the top of my deck, does it instantly go back to being displayed and I draw my full hand size of 6 cards, not counting the cohort as a card since it will be displayed? Or would I have to wait until the next turn to "re-display" my cohort, thus it is then no longer considered as being in my hand?
Hope this makes sense.

skizzerz |

You need to wait until after the blessings deck is flipped in the next turn and any start of turn effects have been finished processing. This is because you can only play cards without restriction in between the steps of a turn, and you can't do anything in between the end of one turn and the start of the next.

isaic16 |

One additional clarification that I don't think was explicitly mentioned:
When a card (such as these cohorts) say "Display this card," that is not an instruction, but is actually a power. Therefore, you can use it whenever you could legally play cards. So, if for some reason (I don't know why, but hypothetically) you didn't want to immediately display your cohort, you could hold it in your had for a while. Reading your question, it seems like you were treating the display as an instruction that you were required to perform as soon as possible, which is not the case. Hopefully, thinking of it as a power will make it easier to figure out.

Kreniigh |

"When a card (such as these cohorts) say "Display this card," that is not an instruction, but is actually a power. Therefore, you can use it whenever you could legally play cards."
This is my understanding; however, the Example of Play in the Wrath of the Righteous rulebook *appears* to imply that you can only display a cohort on your own turn. Or that 'Blake' is not playing as effectively as he could. If you can play Padrig on another player's turn, that should be the first thing you do when you get a chance, right? Leaving Padrig in your hand through other players' turns means you could end up discarding it (or worse), in addition to not being able to use its powers (say he didn't have that Wand of Paralyze and was forced to fight the Worm Demon).
And I've been applying this to all displayed cards -- in S&S, I've been displaying Besmara's Bones immediately after the start of the next player's turn when I draw it.
So is Blake a bad example?