Black Blade Saves

Rules Questions

Magic items have a save bonus at 2+1/2*CL. For a black blade,
Can it add its Wisdom modifier to Will saves?
What is it's CL?

Bladebound wrote:

Senses: A black blade is aware of everything around it like a creature that can see and hear. It can be blinded and deafened as if it were a creature.

It uses the saving throws of its magus, even if the magus is not currently wielding the black blade.


EDIT: I'm not actually sure if it means base save or total save there: Does the Black Blade get a bonus from the Magus' Cloak of Resistance?

Without any other text I'd assume it gets all benefits & drawbacks of the Magus' saves. So if your Magus has a +2 Cloak of Resistance & a -2 WIS modifier then the Black Blade also makes it's saves with a +2 Resistance Bonus & a -2 WIS modifier.

MrCharisma wrote:

EDIT: I'm not actually sure if it means base save or total save there: Does the Black Blade get a bonus from the Magus' Cloak of Resistance?

Without any other text I'd assume it gets all benefits & drawbacks of the Magus' saves. So if your Magus has a +2 Cloak of Resistance & a -2 WIS modifier then the Black Blade also makes it's saves with a +2 Resistance Bonus & a -2 WIS modifier.

It uses the magus saving throw modifiers, including any other bonuses.

Compare the wording to that of a familiar:

Saving Throws: For each saving throw, use either the familiar's base save bonus (Fortitude +2, Reflex +2, Will +0) or the master's (as calculated from all his classes), whichever is better. The familiar uses its own ability modifiers to saves, and it doesn't share any of the other bonuses that the master might have on saves.

The familiar specifically says other bonuses are not shared. The black blade does not, just that it has the magus saving throw modifiers. That would include any other bonus to those saves.

Completely missed that, probably because this idea popped into my head while waiting for people outside my house to shut up so I could sleep.

Kind of wrecks the concept of "PC has crap will, but his sword pulls him out of the dominates," though

The Sideromancer wrote:
Kind of wrecks the concept of "PC has crap will, but his sword pulls him out of the dominates," though

It's still an intelligent weapon. If it were aware its master were Dominated (I would imagine empathic feedback would be a large hint), it could simply resist using any of its special abilities.

Saethori wrote:
The Sideromancer wrote:
Kind of wrecks the concept of "PC has crap will, but his sword pulls him out of the dominates," though
It's still an intelligent weapon. If it were aware its master were Dominated (I would imagine empathic feedback would be a large hint), it could simply resist using any of its special abilities.

While that is true, there isn't much stopping the blade from also failing a Will save (unless, of course, they can only cast humanoid-specific enchantments)

Saethori wrote:
The Sideromancer wrote:
Kind of wrecks the concept of "PC has crap will, but his sword pulls him out of the dominates," though
It's still an intelligent weapon. If it were aware its master were Dominated (I would imagine empathic feedback would be a large hint), it could simply resist using any of its special abilities.

It could also try to dominate the character itself by asserting its Ego.

The Sideromancer wrote:
Saethori wrote:
The Sideromancer wrote:
Kind of wrecks the concept of "PC has crap will, but his sword pulls him out of the dominates," though
It's still an intelligent weapon. If it were aware its master were Dominated (I would imagine empathic feedback would be a large hint), it could simply resist using any of its special abilities.
While that is true, there isn't much stopping the blade from also failing a Will save (unless, of course, they can only cast humanoid-specific enchantments)

If the spell is single target or multi-target (as opposed to a true area of effect), then the item won't be affected unless it's targeted by the spell as well.

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