Deadly Secret's Rise of the Runelords Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Let me know when and where you all meet up for the evening.

Male HP:28/28 AC:21 T:16 FF:16 F:+3 R:+8 W:+3 Perc:+8 Init:+6 Rapier +10,1d4+4 CMB;+6 CMD:+17 Halfling Swashbuckler 3

I vote for the play

Undine Varisian Pilgrim 9 | HP: 75/75 | AC: 20 T: 14 FF: 16 CMD: 20| F: +9 R: +7 W: +12 +2vsChrms/Cmplsns| Init +8 | Perception +22, Sense Motive +16; Darkvision 60ft | Move [40] 50 | Active Effects: Extended Fly, Blessing of Fervor
Tracked Resources:
Flesh to Stone 1/1 | Reach 3/3 | Extend 2/3 | Bit of Luck: 6/7 | Agile Feet: 7/7 | Dimensional Hop 90/90 | Spells: 1st 4+1/5+1 2nd 4+1/5+1 3rd 4+0/4+1 4th 2+1/3+1 5th 2+0/2+1 | Channel Positive Energy 3/3

Play, play, play! Then presumably back to the tavern afterwards for rest and maybe a drink or two.

OK I'll work on post for tomorrow.

Male HP:28/28 AC:21 T:16 FF:16 F:+3 R:+8 W:+3 Perc:+8 Init:+6 Rapier +10,1d4+4 CMB;+6 CMD:+17 Halfling Swashbuckler 3

Are we missing something? or someone?

I was waiting for you guys to go in the Inn and settle down or if you had any final plan.

BUFFS: Resist Shock 10 l CONDITIONS: none
Rounds per Day 12/24 l 112/112hp l F +12 R +8 W +7 l AC18 Touch10 FF16 CMB +16 CMD28 l Atk +18 Dmg 2d4+10
Half-Orc CN Bloodrager10 l 93/93hp, DR2/-- l F +11 R +8 W +5 l AC20 Touch12 FF18 CMB +15 CMD27 l Perc +13 l Darkvision 60ft l Init +4 l Spd30ft l Intimidate +16

I would like to make a suggestion, if it's alright. Don't want to step on any toes or cause offense, but: if 2-3 members of the party have agreed to do a thing, I think it would be helpful for the pacing if you just assume we do it? Unlike in a tabletop game I don't think we really have the luxury of waiting for every single person to agree to every single issue when it could take days.

Most Recent Example:

So we just had a conversation with the Aldern fellow and I think everyone but Herra chimed in. No one expressed any disagreement with the hunting idea except Cade who plans to catch the caravan out. Gwestiel and Flor both agreed, and Kargas expressed surprise that he can hunt but didn't decline the offer.

"Aldern Foxglove bids his farewell and leaves the Rusty Dragon." Could this post have included, in the next paragraph down, "The next morning in the grey light of predawn...[description of meeting Aldern & riding out into the countryside]? Something to keep the story moving?

I don't intend to come across as attacking & I apologize in advance if that's how it feels, but I'm moderately frustrated. I've enjoyed the character interaction for the most part but a little more guidance and managing of the story would be appreciated. Little things like asking us for a quick rundown of what we do for the next two or three days, instead of having up run around town RPing with people who have nothing to say to us.

I confess my own interest has been steadily declining as more and more IRL time passes without anything happening. Which sucks, because I've heard wonderful things from a lot of people about Rise of the Runelords. If it's a matter of not having much time, that's totally understandable, but if so some sort of heads-up would be appreciated.

At this time I'm not wanting to leave the game, but I did want to communicate how I'm feeling about the slow pace.

Male HP:28/28 AC:21 T:16 FF:16 F:+3 R:+8 W:+3 Perc:+8 Init:+6 Rapier +10,1d4+4 CMB;+6 CMD:+17 Halfling Swashbuckler 3

I am dropping out.

I agree with Kargas.
I see no direction, no creativity, no enthusiasm from the gm. I am sorry but that is how I feel and I can not sugar coat something like this. I wish all luck in the game and if it falls apart, maybe we can get the gang back together for another run at this AP. I will be seeking a home for cade in another PBP in the mean time.

I hear your concerns and opinions. I must admit that I'm just not up to par to your role-playing/forum experience and capabilities. I am after all a VTT GM. I am afraid I am going to just halt this game and continue working with my real tables. It's been a pleasure.

Enjoy your future gaming and better luck with a better GM.

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