Returning after 4 years, maybe?

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge 1/5 *

So, my husband and I were local Venture-Captains years ago (before kids made life too busy), and we each have some characters (all under 3rd lvl) that we played a few times (they mostly leveled up by us GMing), but our character binders might be long-lost. The scenarios we GMed and played are listed here on the site, though, so we have some record of XP at least.

Is there any way we can recreate their paperwork and play them where we left off, or will we have to start over completely?

4/5 ****

See your local venture officer and get them to help you straighten out your paperwork.

Especially since you've got all the information properly reported it should be fairly easy for them to create new paperwork.


Also, welcome back! :)

5/5 5/55/55/5

If you DM'd it you can just date and sign it yourself. That might get you a playable character above first if you had a DM credit blob.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta

Welcome back!

I'm about to start that Kid-adventure thingy.

You should have all of your sessions, player and GM in the Pathfinder Society setting of your account.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

Welcome back!

Grand Lodge 1/5 *

Thank you all!

Also, I seem to have somehow gained a boon allowing me to make a Tiefling, but for the life of me I don't remember where it came from, anyone know? My husband thinks it may have been from running the Beginner's Box when it first came out?

Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

Is it also a dhampir boon? The Beginner's Box boon I have is tiefling/dhampir, and also has a one-time free-resurrection.

It's also clearly labeled as a Beginner's Box event boon, though, so I'd think you'd know if yours were from that event. ^_^

Grand Lodge 1/5 *

If I had the original paperwork, I'd definitely be able to see the label, but alas my paperwork is long gone (see earlier posts in thread). But having it also have dhampir is familiar, so that's what it was, thanks for the confirmation. :)

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