Highest Number of Boons Applied to One Character?

Pathfinder Society


What is the highest number of boons that you have seen applied to one PFS character? I always wanted to build a character with an Entourage of attendants.

Grand Lodge 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I was surprised to find that my self proclaimed "Most Booned PC" (this alias) only had 9:

#1: [REDACTED] boon from [REDACTED]
#2: Extra Hours
#3: Expedition Manager
#4: Former Crusader
#5: On-the-Job Training
#6: GM Star Reward, "Student of Scrolls"
#7: Ritual of Stardust, 4715
#8: Against the Consortium
#9: Hypnotic Therapy

He's my one Slow Track character, and has a long list of Chronicle Sheet Boons because of that. He just reached level 9, and has more Chronicles in his stack than any of my retired characters.


I know a local player that has 12. One of them is probably your redacted boon, treasure map, charity race boon, custom order and I can't recall the rest.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

I think double Suli plus [redacted] and other [redacted] is the highest starting value at 7 before the theoretical high number of player boons and the GM reward boon.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

When you figure in all the pathfinder tales book boons this number gets much much higher.

Silver Crusade 4/5

I've got one with a lot of high powered boons, even though the quantity doesn't compare to above. He's got a race boon, extra trait boon, stat boost from [redacted], and he was Lantern Lodge when he played Way of the Kirin before the deadline. Ironically, his race boon is no longer relevant, since anyone can make a nagaji now. But his stats rock.


Which theorycraft is interesting, I'm kind of looking for real world examples. I could probably apply at least 20 to one character.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

I had a player sit down one time at a convention for a first level game and hand me a single piece of paper. "This is my character sheet."

"And this," he says, handing over a 1/4 thick manila folder, "is all the boons that are applied to it."

I didn't think to count how many it was but it was at least 30-35. All the tales boons to that time (Jan 2014) probably made up 11 of them. Add in a few holiday boons - maybe half a dozen. And he was a dedicated convention goer (probably 10+ a year), so he got plenty of boons from those. Maybe another 10 boons of the "you can speak Kellid" or "you get a +1 bonus on CMD versus disarm attempts" variety. And then there were a few weird little "you get +2 to diplomacy when in Jamelray" and other things that would likely never see use.

When I asked him about it he shrugged and said "These are all the boons that I never really found the perfect character idea to work with so I just decided to put them all on one character." Several times during the session he said "oh, wait, I have a boon for that!" (In a non-disruptive way.) Wonder if he ever rebuilt the character (it was a True Primitive barbarian, which isn't legal any more).


By my count, I could put 34 bones on a character (ones that I have and not used). I think I'll make one with just the attendants and use the bones townsfolk set to show his/her following ;)

1. Personal physician (season 5 boon 13)
2. Personal fixer (season 6 boon 13)
3. Factor (season 6 boon 7) which means I'll have to use treasure map (season 6 boon 16)

I think I need more follower boons.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Are you going to call him/her "Daniel(a) Boone?"


I was thinking Booner the Barbarian.

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