Order # 3981226

Customer Service

The product (Curse of the Crimson Throne) from this order no longer shows in my sidecart awaiting shipment with next subscription. The pending Pathfinder Pawns subscription items have also disappeared.

Could you also deactivate my Pathfinder Roleplaying Game subscription? I've decided pawns are a better way to go.

Customer Service Representative

Hi Togglebutton,

It looks like those all ended up in a strange order limbo.

I've found them and moved the CotCT book to your AP order (#4047341). You should get an updated order confirmation email.

The Pawns have a later release date, so they have been moved to your sidecart.

I have cancelled your RPG subscription. You should get an email that confirms this change to your account.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.


Thanks for the help. You guys have been great!

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