Nyym |

just to let everyone know, there may be some delay in my responce as i am a long haul truck driver. but will do my bets to keep things moving along

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

The only position that matters is who gets to be the one pulled across the line if you lose the tug-of-war.
Yes, Ruby will be pulling with you (she has a -1). And yes, the opposing team does have a higher Strength modifier.
Since Nyym has joined us, he and Rohan can alternate between rolling initiative each round. This leaves Liesel-Marie, Kytynna, and whoever didn't roll for initiative to alternate between making the team roll (or taking 10) for the pull.
OK, Liesel will take the front position. Ruby as captain should be the anchor, aye?
So you need one initiative roll, already done for round one, and one strength roll with a +4 modifier for each round? I'm not sure taking 10 going to help - let's go for it, go for broke. What say ye other tuggers?

Rohan Scythe |

Thats fine, but its going to be strange for a nearly 8ft tall man to be the middle guy, but however you want to do this is fine.

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Truly that would make for an interesting sight.
I'll post the militia team's initiative and Strength rolls later tonight after I get in from work.
Good luck, Team Ruby.

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Alright, one of you make that Strength check. For what it's worth, I did a roll for the militia's Strength check. Based on that roll, I decided they would take 10 instead to feel you guys out (I rolled a 20, which would have given them a 29).

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@Rohan: Since you already rolled initiative, I wanted someone else to roll the Strength check. Next round, when Nyym rolls the initiative check, you'd be eligible to participate in rolling the Strength check. This way, everyone has a chance to participate. But it's not my call to make. You guys are a team, so it's up to the others to choose whether or to keep the roll or to make another.

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I'll allow the use of aid another for the tug-of-war as an option for your team to use on the Strength check (technically isn't an attack roll, but I like your thought process). However, doing so would mean that for the round in which it is used, your team wouldn't be able to take 10, as you're basically going "all in" on the check. It's a gamble, but it could pay-off, especially in this 1st round of the pull, if even one of you manages to succeed (as Team Ruby is currently in danger of losing the round and sliding 5' toward the center line). Plus, it has the added benefit of potentially involving all of you and showing that you too are a cohesive unit.

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Looks like Nyym has turned what could have been a round loss into a stalemate. If Kyt, Liesel-Marie, and Ruby pass their aid another checks, then you'll actually win this first round (Rohan can't roll because it's his Strength check you all are aiding).

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

So you are counting Nym's strength penalty into Rohan's roll and also in his aid another? I figured that since my +4 was included in Rohan's roll, I shouldn't get the aid another opportunity, also. Seems like double-dipping otherwise.
If that works for the DM, I would suggest that Ruby and Nyym do aid anothers each round so their penalty doesn't hurt the team roll but their aid might help. It's a three-point swing if they are successful, though, so it might be a bit much.

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Well, the aid another was asked about after the initial Strength check. In the next few rounds, the rest of you can figure out the best way to handle doing it. Just remember, if you use the aid another option, then taking 10 can't be used in that same round.
As far as your suggestion goes... it's a good one. Rohan could also make aid another checks as well, as he has a +0 modifier for Strength. That leaves Liesel-Marie and Kytynna adding +6 to the Strength check.

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Of course, even if Rohan doesn't do the aid another check with Nyym and Ruby, it still won't affect the Strength roll directly.

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Looks like the militia are on the downturn from the previous round. Even if Nyym rolls a 1 on initiative, he'll still beat their roll. Guess which team is getting a +2 to their Strength check this round?

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Hope you guys enjoyed the conclusion to the tug-of-war. It wasn't something I expected to see in the write-up, but I had fun making it happen.
From this point on, you'll be given an opportunity to engage in something I like to call "Triple 7s". Any time you roll a d20, you may choose to roll three 10-sided dice as well as a free action. If the total result of your 3d10 roll is ever 21, you may immediately choose to re-roll your d20. You must accept the final result of this second d20 roll, even if it is lower than your initial roll. Of course, you may choose to roll another 3d10 at the same time that you re-roll your d20; if you again roll a 21 on these three ten-sided dice, you may again re-roll your d20, but you must accept the result. You may continue to re-roll in this way as long as you are rolling 21s on your three ten-sided dice.
If your result on this special 3d10 is ever 21 – and all three dice show 7 – you are considered to have rolled a natural 20 on your initial d20 roll.
However.... If you ever roll “King’s Eyes” – all three dice show 1 – you briefly gain the direct, personal favor & attention of something beyond the Dark Tapestry*; as appetites wash through you and your senses are truly opened. Your alignment temporarily shifts one step toward Chaotic Evil (no save); this effect lasts for a number of days equal to your character level. During this time, you also suffer a -4 penalty on all Will saves to avoid temptations: this includes all rolls to overcome addiction or to resist compulsions. These effects stack.
As always, the choice is yours.
In the meantime, everyone gets 170 XP: 135 for story purposes and 35 for awesome role-play. Another 65 could have been gained, but it seems none of you watch Rooster Teeth's RWBY (pronounced RUBY).
*Little is known of the Dark Tapestry — the darkness between the stars where inhabitants of Golarion believe true madness lies. The few beings able to survive in the vast, cold void of space are too alien for even the gods to comprehend, and present one of the greatest threats to the known universe should they wish to do so...

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Ok... I've added a link that shows a map of Trunau. It should show up just beneath the campaign description in the Gameplay thread, but you can also go to the Campaign Info section and use it. Try it out to make sure that it actually works for you, rather than just for me.

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Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

Liesel-Marie forgives the DM and appreciates his beneficence.
In other news, it's that time of the semester when my posting may become very sporadic. I need to bury myself deep in my studies to wrap things up and survive the final. I will try to check in on a daily basis, but I make no promises. I will be back.

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Liesel-Marie forgives the DM and appreciates his beneficence.
In other news, it's that time of the semester when my posting may become very sporadic. I need to bury myself deep in my studies to wrap things up and survive the final. I will try to check in on a daily basis, but I make no promises. I will be back.
Your forgiveness is both appreciated and noted. :)
Studies are important, so you do your thing and post when you can. Good luck to you and stay smurfy.
In the meantime, I'm giving you all the task of coming up with theme songs for your characters. I'm going compile a playlist to listen to while I post. If a character's song plays while I'm posting, I'll grant a bonus (say... +2) to a d20 roll if it is applicable to the situation. Understand that this cuts both ways, as special NPCs will also have access to this feature as well.
I look forward to seeing what songs you put forth to the list, but understand I do have veto power and will summarily reject certain songs out of hand. So, no "What The Fox Says" or "Let It Go", not even in jest. I'm looking right at you, Rohan....

Rohan Scythe |

Me, what, I don't know what your thinking about. Wait you didn't mention psy gungnam style. LOL thats fine wasn't going to pick them anyways. The one I am thinking off though which comes across my mind is. 21 pilots Heathens as my theme song.

Rohan Scythe |

I hope that he doesn't go back on his word about footing the bill, because I only have 10g to my name, we need a mission guys. LOL. My eating habits are expensive.

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Alright... I shouldn't have to say this, but I think it needs to be said:
I am the DM.
Players who use metaknowledge (that is to say, knowledge a player knows but their character wouldn't) have no place here. This has happened a few times so far and it needs to stop.
Liesel-Marie never said she was at the Killin' Ground. And while that place is the main bar in Trunau, it isn't the only one. She could have been at another one that's not listed on the map. That's the reason why some buildings aren't numbered. It leaves me room to make them whatever I need for them to be. So don't make assumptions about other players' actions.
Or mine for that matter.
This is hopefully the last time I have to address this matter.
Are we clear?

Rohan Scythe |

Sorry if I made the assumption of going to the killings ground as the bar. While reading it sounded like we some how crossed aodhan outside that bar and brin was in the alley next to the bar.
Aodhan mentioned going to killing ground and your post 2-3 back states that liesel never witness something but it was at the killings ground bar to chief defender.
I may have miss read, next time I will just sit at my own table. Sorry

Rohan Scythe |

How hard would it be to keep dried meat like beef jerky instead of rations for travel? And what cost would it be for a week supply for normal person

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How hard would it be to keep dried meat like beef jerky instead of rations for travel? And what cost would it be for a week supply for normal person
From the Core Rule Book, highlighted for emphasis.
Rations, Trail
Price 5 sp; Weight 1 lb.
The listed price is for a day's worth of food. This bland food is usually some kind of hard tack, jerky, and dried fruit, though the contents vary from region to region and the race of those creating it. As long as it stays dry, it can go for months without spoiling.
As Trunau is primarily a human community, it sells the standard trail rations as listed. So a week's worth would be 3 gp, 5 sp (or 35 sp).
At 500 XP, the rules for staggered advancement come into play. Instead of gaining all your new abilities when you advance to the next level, you divide them among four XP tiers: 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. Each XP tier represents a specific percentage of the XP required to advance to the next level. Whenever you reach a new XP tier, gain the appropriate universal abilities and skill ranks for that class. Your feat, ability score, and spell progressions remain unchanged.
Universal Abilities: Universal abilities include your selected class's base attack bonus, hit points (hp), and saving throw bonuses. At the 25%, 50%, and 75% XP tiers, you can select one of the following options.
Base Attack Bonus: Increase your selected class's base attack bonus (if applicable).
Hit Points: Determine the number of hit points you would gain for advancing to the next level in your class and add 50% of those hit points (rounding down) to your hit point maximum. When you advance fully to the next level of your selected class, add the remaining hit points.
Saving Throw Bonuses: Increase your class's saving throw bonuses (if applicable).
Each of the above options can only be selected once per level. Additionally, the base attack bonuses and saving throw bonuses of some classes don't increase each time they advance in level. If only one universal ability is applicable, incorporate it at the 75% tier. If two are applicable, incorporate one at the 50% tier and the other at the 75% tier (your choice).
Class Features: Characters gain all class features upon reaching the next level.

Rohan Scythe |

Thanks didn't even realize that jerky was part of it.
Another question, since the HopeKnife is a dagger, how hard would it be to get a second Hopeknife?

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If it gets broken, then Sara Morninghawk (she runs the Clamor, the forge that makes them in the first place) will chew you out and fix it. If you lose it, then Sara will chew you out and make you another. If it's just to have another one for the sake of having one, she'll chew you out and run you out of her shop. To her and the citizens of Trunau, the Hopeknife isn't just a "masterwork dagger". It's a sign that you can make adult decisions, which could include ending your own life or the life of another citizen should the situation call for it. That's why the ceremony of presenting one is so important to them.

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Sharp-eyed players may have noticed the addition of the Initiative and Perception spoilers below the map of Trunau. This is for my benefit, as I may need to roll those things for you from time to time to speed things along as necessary.

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In my eagerness to post, I forgot to mention this very important detail: This is a shared experience. In other words, you can all see one another, and, if you wish, can communicate with each other.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

Others may come to mind, but let's go with "Live Like You Were Dying" by Tim McGraw for Liesel-Marie

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Others may come to mind, but let's go with "Live Like You Were Dying" by Tim McGraw for Liesel-Marie
Intriguing choice... what was your thought process for selecting this particular song, if you don't mind my asking?

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

I'm probably the odd one out here, but that's the genre I generally listen to and an artist I appreciate. There's no hidden meaning in my choice - it was simply a song that sprung to mind when I remembered I needed to provide a song.
And it's a good philosophy. I think Liesel-Marie might be able to get behind it.

Rohan Scythe |

Yeah still set on heathens by 21 pilots. Really good song, not sure it fits his character though. Its was either that or Imagine Dragons, Radioactive.
Although I had some humor songs too, but unlikely to hear on the radio. Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water – as well as a fifth element, Heart. Can anyone guess my song? LOL

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I'm probably the odd one out here, but that's the genre I generally listen to and an artist I appreciate. There's no hidden meaning in my choice - it was simply a song that sprung to mind when I remembered I needed to provide a song.
And it's a good philosophy. I think Liesel-Marie might be able to get behind it.
I'm very eclectic when it comes to music. I like what I like, though my preferences genre-wise tends to be alternative and metal. But country holds a special place in my heart, thanks to my great-grandmother, as that was her preference.

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For those that don't know... the arming sword is the traditional weapon of a knight and the inspiration behind the bastard sword.

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It has been brought to my attention a mistake was made on my part with regard to the dupe hitting Rohan. Going back and checking the math, the dupe would not have hit that particular character, as he would have been 2 shy of hitting the adjusted AC for fighting defensively. For that, I apologize. I'm not perfect, so mistakes will happen. Hopefully not too often...
However, as Nyym's player is waiting for the opportunity to be a part of this campaign again, my ruling that Rohan is down will stand. Because I'm sure that you all have realized that this combat taking place is a dream. That you've been treating it like an actual life-or-death combat makes me feel good about my choice of players for this campaign.
You all are to be commended for your roleplaying.

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Great job, everyone!
As was said previously, you are all to be commended for excellent displays of roleplaying.
Everyone receives 600 experience points (400 for encountering the Raggedy Man, 100 for story, and the final 100 for excellence in RP), bringing your total to 735, and over the threshold of the 25% tier for staggered advancement. Adjust your characters accordingly. The rules appear in this thread, but for those that don't want to scroll up, here's the relevant link. The next tier is 1000 experience points.
Are there any comments on how things have progressed thus far campaign-wise?
I'm pretty sure there are some questions with regard to Aodhán, so I'll begin by saying that he is a kineticist, specifically a telekineticist. He possesses two archetypes: elemental ascetic, from Occult Adventures and avant guard, from the Dreamscarred Press supplement Psionics Augmented: Kineticists. His dupe is the result of a utility talent called magnum opus unique to the avant guard archetype, and is actually an astral construct. It also is the manifestation of his telekinetic blast. This does have the consequence of making him a truly psionic kineticist, which, as relates to the nightmare you all just finished, could have some serious repercussions for him as a character... (cue Belt from The Croods)
Like most of you, I've been playing him as though he couldn't actually express his elemental abilities right up until the nightmare. I did make some errors with regard to their use, but they can be hand-waved as artistic license. As for the rest of you, from here on out, I'll be interested in seeing how you as a group continue to go about this aspect of your characters development.
Another question I'm sure some of you have is whether or not you've seen the last of the Raggedy Man, and to that, I'll just say this: only time will tell.
I'm off to prepare for the next phase of the adventure, which should be up before the 23rd. Come the 24th and 25th, I don't expect too much traffic here due to the holiday.
In the meantime, I look forward to continuing on with this, so enjoy yourselves. And if I'm not able to communicate with you between now and the 25th, have yourselves a merry Christmas.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

I choose hit points. I don't recall if you have special rules for gaining hit points after first level, however.