Triple wielding question

Rules Questions

So my idea is to use Blade boots, or some other non hand occupying weapon and combine it with two light weapons, probably the Gladius. Is wielding all three of them at once possible?

Is this something that can be done? Or just is it not allowed?

Yes. But it doesn't get you any extra attacks beyond just dual wielding. You always have either: One main hand attack + one off hand OR one main hand attack that could be made 2-handed. (Until you hit 6 BAB in which you have two main hand attacks and potentially two off hand ones if you picked up Improved 2-wep-fighting)

The advantage of wielding 3 weapons at once is that you can mix and match depending on your circumstances. Your weapons can bring different damage types, be made of different materials, etc.

Scarab Sages

And using two weapon fighting also limits which weapons you can make attacks with in your full attack action.

Let's say you are a Str 10 11th level warrior armed with a long sword, a light pick, and a boulder helmet. You can make a full attack at +11/+6/+1 and can freely use whichever weapon you want. You could make +11 helmet / +6 light pick / +1 sword or any possible combination of those attacks.

If you used improved two-weapon fighting, you must designate a main hand and an off hand, and you must only use those weapons during your full attack action. You could make your long sword main hand and helmet off-hand, for +9/+4/-1 sword and +9/+4 helmet but you then cannot make any attacks with the pick on your turn.

The penalties and weapon restrictions only apply during your turn. You are still threatening and can make an AoO outside of your turn with any weapon.

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