Mummy’s Mask – where’s the hype?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Does anyone else feel like things have been very quiet on the Mummy’s Mask front? From what I can gather from the various comments on here about order dates and subscribers and the like, we should be barely a month away from the new AP coming out, yet it feels like we’ve had next-to-nothing in terms of what we can expect from this set.

As I’ve said on here in the past, my wife and I were massive fans of Rise of the Runelords, and enjoyed most of Skull & Shackles – we have played literally hundreds of games of Pathfinder over the past 2-3 years.

A lot of things about Wrath though, we really didn’t enjoy, and the game has really fallen off the map for us – just too many other things coming along that felt less like being dragged over broken glass than Wrath Adv 6.

Right now, I’m really on the fence about Mummy’s Mask. I have a lot of belief in the designers of this game, and some of the vague whispers I’ve heard floating around the ether suggest that this AP may be a bit more to our taste – a bit more about sneaking quietly and dealing with traps, and bit less about getting our faces pummelled by hordes of demons. For all that though, I need someone to convince me – to sell me the exciting features of what will make this AP worth shelling out on, rather than just using the Class Decks for a different run at Runelords.

Have I missed something? Are there substantial previews out there that I failed to spot? Or is it really as quiet as I think?

There aren't any major previews yet, though I suspect we'll get one very soon. I'm hoping even next week maybe.

Right now, we've got just tid bits and pieces from those that played a demo at a convention or something. And little hints dropped occasionally.

I'm sure the marketing will come. And then we can all get excited. (Well, I'm already excited, but I guess I'll be getting more excited.)

Hawk being excited by a new PACG box? Who could have guess?

When they announced at the end of last month that there would be a big update this month, I was overly hyped, but that has almost died down by now due to a lack of any new information...

However, the reveal of the finalized art for the character add-on was nice.

While I'm looking forward to the AP (I already subscribed, after all), living in europe means it will be several weeks until I will get to play it anyway.

I guess next month will have a preview for the summoner as well, so that leaves us with 3-4 weeks of blog entries about MM at best. That seems to coincide with the entries about wrath, but it seems like they will be really close to the actual release.

Next week maybe seems like the best hope.

Grand Lodge

With the street date reset in the latter half of October, it's too early for them to be hyping Mummy's Mask any more than they have. Plus I don't expect to see any more stuff about what's in it until we have it in our hands. They've told us quite a bit so far. The theme (more horror-based with undead and mummies and lotsa sand), some of the new mechanics (traders and triggers), all but one of the characters.

They'll start pushing it about 2-3 weeks before the street date. They'll show us cards we haven't seen and character cards. I think it's silly that you're complaining about what they've given us so far and what's been reported back from conventions. I think what is the big difference this time is that instead of pushing MM out six months after Wrath, they've waited longer. I think the new AP will definitely reflect the added time for playtesting and fine-tuning.

I agree with others that it's not too surprising that we haven't heard anything, and next week is probably about right for the start of previews. I think it really just feels later because it's been SO LONG since there was a new set release. Wrath shipped, I want to say, less than 3 months after S&S wrapped. Wrath ended back in February, I think, so it's been over 6 months.

Silver Crusade

Actually, it looks like we got the official full list of Wrath characters in a blog about 2 months before Wrath's street date. We started seeing character cards with Chad's Best Character about a month before. So I don't think it's totally stretching it to say that we would have liked to see more blog posts before now. That said, we didn't have class deck previews back in those days.

Lone Shark Games

We have many, many things we want to show you guys - class decks, Organized Play, con updates, strategy, and - of course - Mummy's Mask previews.

The previews are still on schedule to start this month, and continue into next month, right up to the release.

Keith Richmond wrote:

We have many, many things we want to show you guys - class decks, Organized Play, con updates, strategy, and - of course - Mummy's Mask previews.

The previews are still on schedule to start this month, and continue into next month, right up to the release.

Must be soon if previews are still going to happen this month. The sun has almost set on September.

As promised, the hype begins here.

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