Expanding Father Moon: Fan-Made Details on Haggakal

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I decided to start this simply so that I can explain my ideas on the origins and worship of the ogre god, Haggakal. I'll go into more details when I have the time, but here's what I have so far:

Father Moon's Origins:

I have the idea that once, Haggakal was a demon lord who was, during the times of Ancient Osirion and Thassolian, was a patron of insanity. In Ancient Osirion, he was called The Destroyer-a title that was just as metaphorical as it was literal, as those who worshiped him would derive into madness and destroy not only lives, but the love and trust between family and friends, and the reputation of others. It was a bit different in Thassolian; he held the title of He With No Mercy, as his worshipers were normally assassins and barbarians who were paid to kill (or, on the opposite side of this coin, killed for fun); they cared not for who they wanted/were paid to kill, for death itself was a pleasure to Haggakal.

Then, the Age of Darkness began. Due to an unknown event, Haggakal was stripped of his title as a demon lord, and banished from his realm in the Abyss. Once he found a new realm to settle, he discovered a cry of help-a group of hill giants, once slaves to Xin Shalast, had survived the destruction of the city, but were now desperate to live on; in their panic, this group of related giants believed they were the last of their kind. Haggakal talked to the hill giants through their priest chief, and gave them a proposition-in exchange for eternal service, the hill giants will be gifted with an amazing ability to keep them alive. These giants, in a fit of panic induced desperation, agreed, but at first they could not tell what their gift was. It wasn't until they had discovered that a pair of siblings-a brother and sister-gave birth, due to once again a desperate attempt to keep their kind alive. The group had discovered that, other than an oddly formed face, the baby was fully functional with no obvious deformities. This was Haggakal's gift-the ability to make a fully functioning child, regardless of the blood relation between the two partners.

One might wonder why Haggakal gave them this gift, other than new worshipers, as he was fully aware that in other parts of Golarion, there were other hill giants. The reason was because now, he had a new craving that had mostly replaced his addiction for death-inbreeding. He kept the hill giants that worshiped him the thought that they are the last of their kind strong, for Father Moon knew that if should this clan knew that they were far from the last of their kind, they would give up their servitude immediately. And within a few generations, the original hill giants passed, leaving behind the giants that would plague the humanoids of Varisia for ages to come, and what Father Moon would become the patron of-ogres.

Father Moon's Worshipers:

Unfortunately, due to the slowly but surely loss of insight and intelligence from his new line of worshipers, Haggakal's name is mostly forgotten other than a small handful of ogre priests. Surprisingly, in settlements often plagued by ogre raids, Haggakal's name is well known, but not worshiped-they fear that even speaking his name would guarantee another raid from nearby ogres. Those non-ogre humanoids plagued by insanity and blood lust also end up in his service-though, when examining their history, it seems to show that they accepted Father Moon's ways after they fell into insanity, rather than before, as in the case of some other madness focused deities. One common practice that non-adventuring worshipers (adventuring worshipers of Haggakal are a rarity in the extreme) is that they must fill the void of Father Moon's ways of inbreeding by procreating with any creature of their choosing that is the opposite sex of the priest-so long as the creature can make offspring, regardless if the offspring are hybrids or if they survive past their first month, a priest of Father Moon often has a harem of prisoners of the opposite sex that are more seen as tools or toys than actual living creatures. Almost all of Haggakal's worshipers and priests are chaotic evil-a few who are not as inclined to insanity and madness are neutral evil, while chaotic neutral followers have never been known.

Enemies of Father Moon:

Other giants tend to have a deep hatred for those who pray to Father Moon; giants of the cloud, stone and storm variety see those who worship Haggakal as hollow shells of the creatures they once used to be. Fire giants scoff at Father Moon, thinking he is a pitiful excuse of a minor deity (though most fire giants think of this with most deities that are not commonly worshiped by them), and frost giants see similarities between Haggakal and their patron deity, Kostchtchie, which fills the worshipers of the Deathless Frost with anger. None though are more filled with hate of Father Moon than hill giants and trolls-hill giants actively hunt down ogres who worship the former demon lord, as he had fooled a part of their kind into becoming the disgusting and violent ogres that would not hesitate to slaughter a hill giant (fun fact: the term ogre arrived from a hill giant term for them, ogruum, which is their Giant dialect word for "disgrace"). Trolls could usually care less about a small ogre cult of Haggakal, were it not for the fact that Father Moon's practices often involve an ogre priest to take a female troll prisoner into his harem to make troggles (Pathfinder Monster Codex); as trolls find troggles true monstrosities, they do everything in their power to kill the ogre priest and his troggle children.

Father Moon's Allies of the Abyss:

Despite no longer being a demon lord, Haggakal's place in the Abyss means that some demons will follow in his services and assist his worshipers. The most common of demons to be in his worship are incubi and succubi, as the incubus's ways of abuse and the succubus's ways of lust mean that Father Moon's practices can easily draw in such demons.

This may look pretty messed up, but if Rovagug is a god who just wants to destroy reality, Lamatshu a goddess of monsters and nightmares, and Zon-Kuthon the literal god of torture, then I figured that Haggakal could be one messed up god. Plus, ogres themselves can be pretty messed up creatures, so I also figured that a messed up creature had to come from a messed up patron deity. Let me know what you guys think, or what else could be added.

Considering his domains include moon, madness, strength, and ferocity and his sacred animal is the boar, I'd add Wereboars to his worshipers.

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