Dorian 'Grey' |

I am planning on playing a Slums spirit Shaman in an upcoming Hell's Rebels campaign.
I found this hex and I have gotten permission from my DM to take it once able.
Now, i read this as saying that I can place a 10' square of difficult terrain any where within 90' of me (line-of-sight assumed).
It also states that I get 1 10' square per level.
Do the squares need to connect to each other?
It doesn't read as if they do.
Thank you.
The witch can cause an area to become an entangling quagmire.
Effect: One 10-foot square per witch level within 90 feet becomes difficult terrain for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch's Intelligence modifier. If the witch uses this hex again before the duration of the previous use has expired, the effects of the previous use of this hex end immediately.
Section 15: Copyright Notice
Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Moon © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Tim Akers, Neal Litherland, David N. Ross, and Tork Shaw.

Saethori |

There are many abilities that specify squares need to be connected. And none that specify they don't need to be, so it's easy to assume that not being connected is the default.
Most of the best uses for the ability are going to end up with the squares being connected anyways, but I can see the value of a few random outlier patches doing things like preventing escape or ambushes.