Making the Dreadnought archetype workable


Archetype in question:

So, thematically I love this archetype, and I really want to run it, but I noticed a key issue with it, namely in that it makes the rage feature suck. Because it only gives half benefit, the Greater Rage feature is practically nonexistent, and the mighty rage feature equates to the rage effectiveness of a level 1 barbarian.

So, is there any way to increase or mitigate this, so that it's not just straight worse than a regular barbarian?

Any other general advice would also be appreciated.

Unchained Barb makes it much better as the bonus to health would still be noticeable, but you might hit GMs who don't allow it with UnBarb.

For regular Barbs, the answer is simpler - use your 8th level and 12th level pips to put +1 on STR and CON and make them odd scores. Put the one in CON first as CON is still very valuable even if not odd (for holding breath, running, not dying, resisting CON drain).

The archetype seems to lend itself to reach builds as they are the ones who enjoy holding ground more, but I could also see it being pretty good for AC evasion tanks with Guarded Stance and Beast Totem to stack a ton of AC.

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