Problem with 2-5B Villain

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Grand Lodge

The scenario requires you to use:

Treat the villain Erylium as the villain Putrid Horror.

Except that in the back, Putrid Horror is a Henchman.

Usually, when a scenario has just henchmen, the end game is "To win the scenario, close all locations." We can do this in the meantime.

Lone Shark Games

Something's wrong there. We will address ASAP.

I pointed this out at gencon and was told that Putrid Horror was just mistakenly made a henchmen.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Putrid Horror should be a villain. The second power should be "If undefeated, the Putrid Horror deals 1d4 Acid damage to each other character at your location." The third power should be deleted.

We will update.

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