[FAQ REQUEST] Infernal Healing Component Change

Rules Questions


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In light of another FAQ request currently making the rounds, I propose a change to the material components line of the spell Infernal Healing.

At present it reads; Components V, S, M (1 drop of devil blood or 1 dose of unholy water)

As the other FAQ points out, a drop of Unholy Water has a value of 25gp which would increase the cost of making a 1st Level wand of Infernal Healing to 2000gp rather than 750gp.

Such a change would have a detrimental effect to all PFS players who use this spell in wand form for healing at low levels and higher by making this spell unavailable to them.

Reviewing all 192 published Paizo Sorcerer/Wizard spells of 1st level, I found that there are only three spells out of all of them that have defined GP costs (Fabricate Bullets, Pesh Vigor and Stumble Gap). It is my belief that the spell Infernal Healing and by extension, Celestial Healing were not intended to have any additional gp cost for their castings.

A simple solution to this issue would be a simple change to the spell component line of Infernal Healing to the following.

Infernal Healing
Components V, S, M (1 drop of devil blood)

This would both solve this problem and prevent a destructive outcome for the many PFS players relying on this spell.

Silver Crusade

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... this isn't really a FaQ request.

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MrRetsej wrote:

Such a change would have a detrimental effect to all PFS players who use this spell in wand form for healing at low levels and higher by making this spell unavailable to them.

I think PFS players who love Infernal Healing might be more at risk with the text in Horror Adventures that states that just after three casts of the spell, their alignment becomes evil, which is going to cause problems with the Society restriction on evil characters.

I would honestly be in favor of the spell receiving a costly material component, if only to curb all the players who are trying to skirt the "no evil characters" rule.

Silver Crusade

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Saethori wrote:
MrRetsej wrote:

Such a change would have a detrimental effect to all PFS players who use this spell in wand form for healing at low levels and higher by making this spell unavailable to them.

I think PFS players who love Infernal Healing might be more at risk with the text in Horror Adventures that states that just after three casts of the spell, their alignment becomes evil, which is going to cause problems with the Society restriction on evil characters.

I would honestly be in favor of the spell receiving a costly material component, if only to curb all the players who are trying to skirt the "no evil characters" rule.


I actually love the spell, it's an insidious tool of corruption that apparently works a little TOO well, and a lot of people try to disregard that to avoid repercussions.

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Rysky wrote:


I actually love the spell, it's an insidious tool of corruption that apparently works a little TOO well, and a lot of people try to disregard that to avoid repercussions.

Exactly my thoughts. It's a big thing with the whole evil vs good dynamic, where evil is so alluring because it's more powerful seeming than anything the side of good can muster.

If you want to use a wand of Infernal Healing to restore 10 HP per wand bonk, instead of the 5.5 average from a Cure Light Wounds wand, you need to borrow power from fiends to do so. And the devil always gets his due.

Silver Crusade

Saethori wrote:
Rysky wrote:


I actually love the spell, it's an insidious tool of corruption that apparently works a little TOO well, and a lot of people try to disregard that to avoid repercussions.

Exactly my thoughts. It's a big thing with the whole evil vs good dynamic, where evil is so alluring because it's more powerful seeming than anything the side of good can muster.

If you want to use a wand of Infernal Healing to restore 10 HP per wand bonk, instead of the 5.5 average from a Cure Light Wounds wand, you need to borrow power from fiends to do so. And the devil always gets his due.


Grand Lodge

Rysky wrote:
... this isn't really a FaQ request.

It's an errata request which happens to be the exact same button.

MrRetsej wrote:

In light of another FAQ request currently making the rounds, I propose a change to the material components line of the spell Infernal Healing.

At present it reads; Components V, S, M (1 drop of devil blood or 1 dose of unholy water)

As the other FAQ points out, a drop of Unholy Water has a value of 25gp which would increase the cost of making a 1st Level wand of Infernal Healing to 2000gp rather than 750gp.

Such a change would have a detrimental effect to all PFS players who use this spell in wand form for healing at low levels and higher by making this spell unavailable to them.

Reviewing all 192 published Paizo Sorcerer/Wizard spells of 1st level, I found that there are only three spells out of all of them that have defined GP costs (Fabricate Bullets, Pesh Vigor and Stumble Gap). It is my belief that the spell Infernal Healing and by extension, Celestial Healing were not intended to have any additional gp cost for their castings.

A simple solution to this issue would be a simple change to the spell component line of Infernal Healing to the following.

Infernal Healing
Components V, S, M (1 drop of devil blood)

This would both solve this problem and prevent a destructive outcome for the many PFS players relying on this spell.

A drop of unholy water does not cost anything. A flask of holy water has a cost, and whenever they want you to pay for something they put the price beside the material component.


Stoneskin wrote:
Components V, S, M (granite and diamond dust worth 250 gp)

You can't even buy a drop of holy water. You can only buy flask of holy water, and there would be no reason to put in a material component with a price when the devil's blood is free since the wizard has it in his spell component pouch, and sorcerers get eschew materials.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

We don't know whether or not the "dose" of unholy water has a cost or not, hence why the other FAQ thread exists. The amount of a dose could be an entire flask, it could be a minuscule drop, or it could be 10 flasks. While no price is listed, there are other examples in that thread where a material component that costs money is listed but has no price in the spell itself. In light of the pending clarification on that, this thread seems rather pointless, especially since PDT has the option to issue an errata to the component list on the other thread as well if they want.

skizzerz wrote:
We don't know whether or not the "dose" of unholy water has a cost or not, hence why the other FAQ thread exists. The amount of a dose could be an entire flask, it could be a minuscule drop, or it could be 10 flasks. While no price is listed, there are other examples in that thread where a material component that costs money is listed but has no price in the spell itself. In light of the pending clarification on that, this thread seems rather pointless, especially since PDT has the option to issue an errata to the component list on the other thread as well if they want.

A dose is not a flask, and there is no price listed in the spell itself, and the other option, which is a drop of devil's blood also has no price.

Silver Crusade

wraithstrike wrote:
skizzerz wrote:
We don't know whether or not the "dose" of unholy water has a cost or not, hence why the other FAQ thread exists. The amount of a dose could be an entire flask, it could be a minuscule drop, or it could be 10 flasks. While no price is listed, there are other examples in that thread where a material component that costs money is listed but has no price in the spell itself. In light of the pending clarification on that, this thread seems rather pointless, especially since PDT has the option to issue an errata to the component list on the other thread as well if they want.

A dose is not a flask, and there is no price listed in the spell itself, and the other option, which is a drop of devil's blood also has no price.

A dose could very well be a flask, it could two flasks for all we know. A dose is as much an exact measurement as "some".

And as for no price listed, there's the transformation spell.

Scarab Sages

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MrRetsej wrote:

In light of another FAQ request currently making the rounds, I propose a change to the material components line of the spell Infernal Healing.

At present it reads; Components V, S, M (1 drop of devil blood or 1 dose of unholy water)

As the other FAQ points out, a drop of Unholy Water has a value of 25gp which would increase the cost of making a 1st Level wand of Infernal Healing to 2000gp rather than 750gp.

Such a change would have a detrimental effect to all PFS players who use this spell in wand form for healing at low levels and higher by making this spell unavailable to them.

Reviewing all 192 published Paizo Sorcerer/Wizard spells of 1st level, I found that there are only three spells out of all of them that have defined GP costs (Fabricate Bullets, Pesh Vigor and Stumble Gap). It is my belief that the spell Infernal Healing and by extension, Celestial Healing were not intended to have any additional gp cost for their castings.

A simple solution to this issue would be a simple change to the spell component line of Infernal Healing to the following.

Infernal Healing
Components V, S, M (1 drop of devil blood)

This would both solve this problem and prevent a destructive outcome for the many PFS players relying on this spell.

Where are you finding unholy water for 25 GP. It should be 35gp, since it's creation requires spellcasting services for a 1st level cleric spell and 25gp of material components. Holy water has a special exception noted in the CRB description, which states that Good temples sell it at cost (as in, they ignore the normal fee for their spell casting services). It would still cost 35gp for holy water from any other source. As a component, holy water should have a value of 35 gp, as would unholy water.

What I want to know, is why PFS needs heavy reliance on EVIL magic and on the blood devils?

Silver Crusade

Murdock Mudeater wrote:
What I want to know, is why PFS needs heavy reliance on EVIL magic and on the blood devils?

Excellent question!

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