troubled by poisons

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

im having a little trouble wrapping my head around poisons does

save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save.

mean that once a round for 4 rounds a pc has to make a DC13 fort save and each failure adds 1d2 str damage and a save ends the poison effect does the strength damage stay on the PC till it is cured either magically or by rest?

also a second dose of poison would up the dc by 2 to DC15 Fort save would it start the 4 round count down again?


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Duration increases by 50%. Damage recovers at 1pt/day naturally (or quicker using other means).

So, say your PC fails the initial DC of 13. They take 1d2 ⇒ 1 Str damage.

Another dose gets inflicted before the PC's turn (say by a 2nd monster). The PC attempts another DC 13 save. They fail. Now the poison's total duration becomes 6 rounds, and all future saves increase to 15.

Their turn comes around. They fail their DC 15 save and take 1d2 ⇒ 1 Str damage. There is still another 5 rounds of duration left.

Monster bites PC again! PC fails the DC 15 save. Duration remaining increases to 7 rounds, and future DCs become 17.

PC finally makes a Nat 20 on their next turn. Poison is "cured", though they still have 2 points of Str damage, which will require 2 days to recover from.

Nefreet has the right of it. Handy reference here:Everything you wanted to know about poison (almost).

Verdant Wheel

awesome thankyou

Nefreet wrote:

Duration increases by 50%. Damage recovers at 1pt/day naturally (or quicker using other means).

So, say your PC fails the initial DC of 13. They take 1d2 Str damage.

Another dose gets inflicted before the PC's turn (say by a 2nd monster). The PC attempts another DC 13 save. They fail. Now the poison's total duration becomes 6 rounds, and all future saves increase to 15.

Their turn comes around. They fail their DC 15 save and take 1d2 Str damage. There is still another 5 rounds of duration left.

Monster bites PC again! PC fails the DC 15 save. Duration remaining increases to 7 rounds, and future DCs become 17.

PC finally makes a Nat 20 on their next turn. Poison is "cured", though they still have 2 points of Str damage, which will require 2 days to recover from.

According to the link supplied, that second save would be 15. The +2 is immediate because there's already an active poison.

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