Tips for Bad Touch Cleric Strange Aeons


Hello I am about to join a campaign in the new Strange Aeons adventure path and I am a bit undecided on how I should approach this.

I have decided to go Chaotic Neutral half orc with improved unarmed strike along with the Repose and Plant (potentially growth) domain.

The idea is to eventually get my hands on Domain Strike and stunning fist.

What would you suggest to be the optimal attribute distribution with 30 point buy (we are 3 players)?

I am considering both

Strength 16

Dex 10

Con 14

Int 10

Wis 18 (with racial +2)

Charisma 8

or simply

Strength 14

Dex 14

Con 14

Int 10

Wis 18 (with racial +2)

Charisma 8

Any suggestions for attributes and later feat progression?

Sovereign Court

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... this strikes me as the AP where I would especially not want to touch the monsters...

hehe, very good point although we cannot avoid our fears :p

Have you considered worshiping the Lost Prince or Tsukiyo (if they fit the setting and background) and getting both the Repose and Madness domains?

Apart from being a fun thematic fit for the AP, the Madness domain is probably the top "bad touch" domain, IMO. Giving a creature a bonus to skill checks but an equivalent penalty to attacks and saves is awesome once it scales up a bit.

I think you will also want to seriously consider the prospect of a Monk dip (Unchained, preferably), which would give you Improved Unarmed Strike and Stunning Fist for free, not to mention flurry of blows, some extra defence when unarmored, saving throw bonuses and a bonus feat.

Sure it slows down progression of your cleric stuff, but I think you'll find the trade-off very worthwhile in this case. Maybe start as Monk (who happens to worship the appropriate diety) and then switch over to Cleric at 2nd level, as your character turns to the comfort of his god in the face of unspeakable horrors...

EDIT: Forgot to address the stat spread. Given the high point buy, I'd embrace the MADness and split your stats using the following priorities: WIS > STR > DEX/CON > INT > CHA. So I prefer the second of your two options (though it seemed to me you might be under a 30 point buy). Unless you really want to focus on channel energy, I think you're okay to dump CHA as you have proposed.

EDIT 2: I think I might go with the following stats, based on your generous 30 point buy (* shows inclusion of the racial +2):

STR 16 | DEX 14 | CON 14 | INT 12 | WIS 18* | CHA 8

huh, that was actually a very good piece of advice! I gotta check out unchained monk.

Thanks for the tip :)

Wondering Lars wrote:

huh, that was actually a very good piece of advice! I gotta check out unchained monk.

Thanks for the tip :)

Glad to hear it :D

I added some Edits to address the stat spread, as well.

ok so a couple of points here first if its a 30 point buy you have quite a few more points to spend. with the first stat spread you have 7 more points 10=16 str, 10=16 wis. 5=14 con and with a 8 cha your at 23 points

second point id liek to make is remember th enumber of time you can channel is 3+ cha mod so with a negative 1 cha score you can only channel 2 times per day

Ok guys, I have gotten to lvl 6 and so far the build has worked rather nicely! My AC and touch AC is divine and chaos bad touch is without par.

What I am struggling with now, however, is spell selection.
I am looking for debuff spells, but atm it seems like most of the good ones are still at lvl 1, although they struggle with overcoming DC.

Have you got any suggestions? I am able to access lvl 3 spells atm (bestow curse <3 )

My Domains are Revelry and Travel btw.

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You went quite a bit away from the domains you were previously looking at. What prompted that?

If you are having trouble getting spells to stick, maybe start looking at Spell Focus in whatever school you use most (maybe Necromancy), and also consider Persistent metamagic. Those can both help.

As for debuff-oriented spells, perhaps look at the following options:

- Barbed Chains (1st level, best at lower/mid levels before enemy CMD gets out of hand, this spell has some flexibility in terms of allowing either an attack or trip attempt, along with a further debuff rider if the attack/trip hits)

- Command/Forbid Action (1st level, two sides of the same coin in some ways, though Command is probably better -- can temproarily lock down an enemy if they work, and possibly make them provoke AOOs via movement, etc)

- Murderous Command (1st level, and a very nice effect when it sticks, not only for whatever damage is done, but also for possible confusion in the enemy ranks if they dont recognize the spell)

- Shadow Trap (1st level, can really mess with an enemy's movement, and while it probably won't last long if they choose to keep retrying saves every round, it can tie up their economy with them taking full round actions to escape its effect)

- Touch of Bloodletting (1st level, where the Bleed damage isn't important so much as the Exhausted effect is -- most useful vs enemies with no easy healing options)

- Burst of Radiance (2nd level, debuff with damage rider vs evil, at least some effect even when saved against)

- Compassionate Ally (2nd level, a debuff in the sense that it can occupy an enemy who might otherwise be doing something harmful, and is especially useful against enemies who don't really have great healing options)

- Bestow Curse (3rd level, obvious choice as you've mentioned and a good candididate for Persistent spell later)

- Blindness/Deafness (3rd level, can really mess up someone's day when it sticks, and is useable at range -- but not my favorite)

- Monstrous Extremities (3rd level, meant as a buff spell, but I've wondered what might happen if you turned an enemy's leg into a wing -- spell also says it takes 10 minutes for them to get used to using it -- with an open-minded DM this could be a fun debuff)

- Sands of Time (3rd level, debuffs STR, DEX and CON for most enemies, or damages undead/constructs -- not a major debuff, but it comes with NO SAVE, so that's pretty nice if you're having trouble getting your spells to stick)

- Screaming Flames (3rd level, works as a damage + debuff in the form of WIS damage, which could soften targets for later spells -- however, it is an Evil spell, so may not be suitable)

- Vision of Hell (3rd level, nice debuff aura, but it is another Evil spell, so may not be suitable for you)

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