D@rK-SePHiRoTH- |

here is the special ability: Flamboyant
At first sight, I thought "this is great"*, but then a couple of doubts arose and now I'm not sure it's worth it anymore
"Whether or not the wielder of a flamboyant weapon has any deeds, she can always spend 1 panache point from the flamboyant weapon to reroll an attack made with it that missed due to rolling a natural 1"
"spend 1 panache point from the flamboyant weapon"
-Does this mean I can't use my own panache to reroll 1s?
"an attack made with it that missed due to rolling a natural 1"
-Does this mean I can only reroll 1s that would have hit if the rule that turns 1s into auto-miss didn't exist?
*My table uses fumbles, sometimes; I don't really like fumbles