Troodos |

So, I was thinking, would it make sense for a creature without the Swallow Whole ability to be able to swallow creatures of a certain size anyway? I mean, say you baleful polymorphed someone into a mouse, could that mouse be swallowed by a human?
I don't really have a reason for asking this other than genuine curiosity.

Saethori |
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There are no rules regarding this kind of swallowing, as it falls under eating, which is generally considered as not needing any more rules than "you have to every now and then".
I would imagine, at best, you can only swallow whole something three size categories smaller than you (for example, a Diminutive sized mouse for a Medium creature, or a Medium sized human for a Gargantuan dragon), and it does depend on how effectively they can struggle. Anything else, you have to chew, which probably means they have to be helpless (and doing so kills them in the process)