burgus |

Hello guys,
I was wondering about the use of the feat "You gain the skill Ranged: Intelligence +2" on Seltyiel's Marauder role card.
I figure its main use is for being able to use ranged weapons, but is there anything else it's good for?
I usually love the idea of gaining new skills, but for Seltyiel it feels just unneccessary if it's only for even more weapons. He is already way too strong at fighting.
Is the ranged skill also good for some out-of-combat stuff?

Irgy |

One of the reasons why it could be good is that it's based on intelligence. This means if you've put all of your skill points into intelligence and none into strength, then now you can use a weapon and recharge a spell (instead of the other way around) and still get the maximum skill bonus.
The other reason is if no-one else in the party has the ranged skill and many others have the melee skill, now someone can use the ranged weapons you find.

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Also, imagine some of those guns that let you blow big bunches of things and use a ton of dice (e.g., the Pepper Box, IIRC) - on top of all the dice that Seltyiel already allows you to throw (if the weapon doesn't have the 2-handed trait - can't remember if those guns do or not). Epic dice rolling, and rolling lots of dice is inherently fun.

Xexyz |

And while we're at it, he could then go to weapon-heavy locations and have a decent chance of acquiring both melee and ranged weapons. Kinda like why I don't let anyone but bards at the spell-heavy locations (except maybe Zarlova... She's almost a bard).
Just play with Varril. He's awesome at everything.