Keep getting sent to homepage?

Website Feedback

So wasn't sure where to post this but this was the only message board I could get to work. Everytime I try to go to the recruitment board or the my campaigns under my profile I am redirected to the homepage. It's been happening for a couple of days now. Just thought I would let y'all know.

Technology Manager

Hey Uthraed,

I'm having some difficulty replicating your issue. Can I have you try a few things?

1) Try using a different browser, if you see the same issue let me know.
2) Go to the Messageboards link at the top of the page and click the "My Campaigns" tab there, instead of from your profile, are you seeing the same redirect?
3) Post the URLs you are trying to hit that are redirecting, so I can be sure I'm using the same path you are when testing.


So I was able to access the recruitment board when using Firefox, but I still can't access it on Google chrome. Here is the URL.

I also cannot access my profile using google chrome, but can using Firefox.

When I click on my name at the top next to the inbox envelope.

Technology Manager

OK, I'm able to access both using lastest version of Chrome. You are accessing via phone or desktop?

Lets do this. Browse this site:

Particularly look at the "version" box on the upper left. If that shows anything other than TLS v1.2 that's probably your problem. We had to eliminate earlier encryptions because they were no longer secure.

Let me know what you see.

I am on my phone but I am using TLS v1.2

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