MYFAROG v 2.4 / "The Coming" Post Apocalyptic RPG

Other RPGs

I recently purchased the latest version of the MYFAROG RPG and I'm looking for several players to form a group to test out the new post apocalyptic setting.

If you have the original MYFAROG rules, I'm sure you will get by with those. The main differences, from what I understand, is that the new version streamlines the system, omitting a lot of the more tedious modifiers found in the first.

In the new campaign that my group will be running, whether in the original setting or the new setting, we will be following a few house rules or modifications of the original rules.

These house rules will be discussed on the social media sites we use as a gaming group.

If you are interested in trying out this game for the first time, you are also welcome. If you have not yet bought the rule books, they are cheap, and well made books. The rule system itself is odd in some ways, but very interesting in my opinion.

Interested persons can pm me here, and I'll direct you to several websites (forums) where we can discuss you joining our gaming group. I already have a few players looking to play.


Note, the author of the game is a self-declared racist.

Varg Vikernes wrote:
The "nazi ghost" has scared millions of Europeans from caring about their blood and homeland for sixty years now, and it is about time we banish this ghost and again start to think and care about the things that (whether we like it or not) are important to us.
Varg Vikernes wrote:
Fight anti-racism and those behind it by any and all means available! No matter what they say they are the criminals, guilty of genocide against the European species! Whatever we do is an act of self-defence. Whatever we say is to defend our human species and our race from extinction. We have all the rights in the world, even according to the UN and international law, to take action to defend our species, our race and our nations. It is our duty to do so!

Now, I'm not saying that if you play the game, you're automatically racist. Just be aware of who you're promoting and giving money too though.


First, I see some truth (no pun intended) in the quotes you provided. The first is essentially an indictment of political correctness and multi culturalism, which I think it's pretty obvious they are destroying Europe.

The second, if said by anyone but a white male would be taken as racial or ethnic pride and preservation.

Thirdly, the game is quite interesting and from what many familiar with the first edition, it has improved significantly. There is also further improvement or modifications that can be done, at the prompting of the developer(s) (I'm not sure if the YouTube tutorial was actually V.V. Himself) to discard any rules or details you wished to.

I found a few of the race base modifiers to be odd, such as if you were born in the warmer climates you would suffer more from all diseases. I would make that apply only to certain cold based ailments like frostbite or other conditions / diseases more prevalent in cold climates.

I'm not really picking up the overt racism from the game, but I admit I'm not familiar with his writing or his music to say yea or no on the subject. The term "racist" is thrown around far to casually and selectively for my taking a very small sampling's word for it.

But thank you for the heads up, I'll see where my player's opinions lay and if we find parts of the rules that are seriously questionable or minimally unfun, then we will change them.

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I find it's best to keep politics out of MYFAROG threads, otherwise nobody will talk about MYFAROG. It's irrelevant to game design or your gaming group having fun.

I own the first edition that came in the big hardcover but sadly haven't gotten to play. None of my friends are interested in playing a low magic game where hunting and gathering is a part of the fantasy. If I got the opportunity to play I would absolutely buy the latest edition: fewer rules are better than more rules, after all.

Lord Wimpy wrote:

I find it's best to keep politics out of MYFAROG threads, otherwise nobody will talk about MYFAROG. It's irrelevant to game design or your gaming group having fun.

I own the first edition that came in the big hardcover but sadly haven't gotten to play. None of my friends are interested in playing a low magic game where hunting and gathering is a part of the fantasy. If I got the opportunity to play I would absolutely buy the latest edition: fewer rules are better than more rules, after all.

I agree, I bought the game because it had positive reviews for its newest version and I have a general interest in Roleplaying game systems. The setting is also of high interest for me, I'm interested in Vikings, Nordic Paganism, Norse Mythology, etc.

I also more of a fan of low fantasy vs. high fantasy, such as Conan the Barbarian based games (both PC and TT RPG), Life is Feudal (PC), Lord of the Rings, etc.

As for your liking a bit more magic, Lord Wimpy, I'm expecting the magic supplement on Friday. But, if it does not have as much as I'm looking for, I'd certainly look to add some.

I like the idea of incorporating Druidic, shamanistic or other natural / ritualistic forms of magic. I also like "magic" similar to the described in the writings of Robert E Howard and HP Lovecraft.

Lord Wimpy wrote:

I find it's best to keep politics out of MYFAROG threads, otherwise nobody will talk about MYFAROG. It's irrelevant to game design or your gaming group having fun.

I own the first edition that came in the big hardcover but sadly haven't gotten to play. None of my friends are interested in playing a low magic game where hunting and gathering is a part of the fantasy. If I got the opportunity to play I would absolutely buy the latest edition: fewer rules are better than more rules, after all.

I agree that we don't need to debate it, and as I see it, there's nothing to debate as these were statements from the author. I will make a similar disclaimer post in MYFAROG threads though.

When I make a purchase, one of the things I do consider is who I'm giving my money to. Sometimes it sways my decision, sometimes it doesn't. Since it's my money, I'm allowed to do that. Just like it's your money, and you're allowed to spend it how you like.

I am curious about the game and want to read it at some point, but I have no interest in giving Mr. Vikernes any of my money to do so. I enjoy a good Nordic setting and even play several other games, both historical and fantastical, that have Nordic elements.

Irontruth wrote:

When I make a purchase, one of the things I do consider is who I'm giving my money to. Sometimes it sways my decision, sometimes it doesn't. Since it's my money, I'm allowed to do that. Just like it's your money, and you're allowed to spend it how you like.

I am curious about the game and want to read it at some point, but I have no interest in giving Mr. Vikernes any of my money to do so. I enjoy a good Nordic setting and even play several other games, both historical and fantastical, that have Nordic elements.

I agree and often do the same. There are some people that I chose not to put my money towards their products. That is a basic freedom of speech issue, that I fully support and respect.

I've since your original post looked into some of Varg Vikernes' statements and history, albeit it being Wikipedia and other internet based postings. He certainly has some issue with attaching a defining terminology to his beliefs, and a one point he does claim to be a "racist" but his definition is not the typical definition of the term.

I go back to the argument, you can express pride in just about anything but if you express pride in being white, that is "racist". I don't buy into that, just as I don't buy into ridiculing persons that lived a century or so ago for not having the same social sensibilities that I may hold today.

Sure some of the writing (stories) of Robert E Howard, H.P. Lovecraft or J.R.R. Tolkein are racially insensitive in our modern view, but that does not take away from their storytelling or the characters or Mythos that they have created.

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Irontruth wrote:

When I make a purchase, one of the things I do consider is who I'm giving my money to. Sometimes it sways my decision, sometimes it doesn't. Since it's my money, I'm allowed to do that. Just like it's your money, and you're allowed to spend it how you like.

That's the best part about capitalism, in my opinion, and I feel the same way about statements he's said. But in a world where I have to give money to OPEC just to get to work in the morning, giving a few euros to a bad guy who, at this point in his life, is just raising his kids in the woods isn't what keeps me up at night.

Frankly from a game design perspective, the first edition of MYFAROG, the copy I have, is garbage. The base d6 system isn't bad, but it suffers from too many convoluted tables and charts. Also, the type face for every word in the book is Papyrus. It's bad enough that I wouldn't have thought to ever buy a newer edition until I saw just how much physically smaller the new books are. It looks like much of the crunch has been consolidated into something manageable.

Although a few interesting things I did like, such as "fighters" (so to speak; the game doesn't have classes) do have an incentive to make use of Charisma, such as by forming a warband. A magic paradigm based off of something other than the modern western tropes, or far eastern tropes, both of which are common to play with. I do really want to play a more "tribal" caster with a magic system flavored as such. Normally one just re-skins the fluff of their character to use voodoo methods of casting Fireball and Haste. Having a pagan-based magic system fundamentally changes the stories that gaming groups will tell. Playing in a MYFAROG-like setting with a D&D magic system would shift the lens to modern western perspective, breaking the whole point of the setting.

I should say something about the setting, since MYFAROG is a system designed and tailored for it's accompanying setting. There are details that people will find objectionable. Different stats for different human ethnicities is a line some people don't want to bother crossing for fun in their spare time. There are negative caricatures of the Abrahamic religions. There are rules to see if a woman dies in childbirth. Despite all this, or maybe because of, I think the setting is the best part of MYFAROG. The author based it on what he perceives to be reality, but I know better than he does, and once I got over my initial reaction, I looked at everything with a more anthropological eye, and discovered a great setting that sparked my storytelling imagination.

The general feel of the setting is primitive people living in a gritty, dangerous wilderness. They are beset on all sides by hostile forces: foreign imperialists, religious crusaders, magical beasts, or otherwise. The geography is a series of islands, increasing the feeling that danger could come from any direction. On top of that, alien beings called Ettins move into land and terraform it, causing it to be incapable of supporting human life. It's a gritty and pessimistic setting. The tribes fight to survive even though given enough time, players can see that their characters will die, perhaps their tribes will die. They persevere in the spirit of real-life viking age scandinavians, which the setting is obviously inspired by. They fight on just like Thor and the other gods, even though they knew Ragnarok was coming and that in the final battle, they would be defeated. Anthropologists seem to agree their mythology helped morale whilst fighting to survive in the inhospitable north. You can tell some good stories in this setting, but it is specialized for certain kinds of stories.

The setting is a fantasized version of Roman/Christian domination of Europe from the pagan perspective. People seem to forget that the first victims of European imperialism were the Europeans. This is definitely not a setting to play out your power fantasies. The best game would be one in which the players all adopt a primitive, pagan mindset. In a high fantasy game, a female PC dying in childbirth would be bad storytelling; an abrupt and unsatisfying end to a power fantasy. In this setting, it would be an important plot point; they mourn, they revere the divine feminine, they persevere, the child is accepted into the tribe. It's just a different kind of game. Sorry for the wall of text, but just saying, "the racism and unempowerment of women are good storytelling tools" without explaining why would draw troll comments from people who haven't read the book, especially from west-hating fanatics of my generation. This is definitely a setting that requires mature players, considering how the source material was written, but I think it can be salvaged and enjoyed.

Bluddwolf wrote:
Irontruth wrote:

When I make a purchase, one of the things I do consider is who I'm giving my money to. Sometimes it sways my decision, sometimes it doesn't. Since it's my money, I'm allowed to do that. Just like it's your money, and you're allowed to spend it how you like.

I am curious about the game and want to read it at some point, but I have no interest in giving Mr. Vikernes any of my money to do so. I enjoy a good Nordic setting and even play several other games, both historical and fantastical, that have Nordic elements.

I agree and often do the same. There are some people that I chose not to put my money towards their products. That is a basic freedom of speech issue, that I fully support and respect.

I've since your original post looked into some of Varg Vikernes' statements and history, albeit it being Wikipedia and other internet based postings. He certainly has some issue with attaching a defining terminology to his beliefs, and a one point he does claim to be a "racist" but his definition is not the typical definition of the term.

I go back to the argument, you can express pride in just about anything but if you express pride in being white, that is "racist". I don't buy into that, just as I don't buy into ridiculing persons that lived a century or so ago for not having the same social sensibilities that I may hold today.

Sure some of the writing (stories) of Robert E Howard, H.P. Lovecraft or J.R.R. Tolkein are racially insensitive in our modern view, but that does not take away from their storytelling or the characters or Mythos that they have created.

He has also expressed the desire to have joined the SS and killed Jews, considering that to be an honorable thing. He's stated this in a blog post... ie, after his release from prison.

You want to make the case that that's okay and just "remembering his heritage"? You don't have to.

Irontruth wrote:
Bluddwolf wrote:
Irontruth wrote:

When I make a purchase, one of the things I do consider is who I'm giving my money to. Sometimes it sways my decision, sometimes it doesn't. Since it's my money, I'm allowed to do that. Just like it's your money, and you're allowed to spend it how you like.

I am curious about the game and want to read it at some point, but I have no interest in giving Mr. Vikernes any of my money to do so. I enjoy a good Nordic setting and even play several other games, both historical and fantastical, that have Nordic elements.

I agree and often do the same. There are some people that I chose not to put my money towards their products. That is a basic freedom of speech issue, that I fully support and respect.

I've since your original post looked into some of Varg Vikernes' statements and history, albeit it being Wikipedia and other internet based postings. He certainly has some issue with attaching a defining terminology to his beliefs, and a one point he does claim to be a "racist" but his definition is not the typical definition of the term.

I go back to the argument, you can express pride in just about anything but if you express pride in being white, that is "racist". I don't buy into that, just as I don't buy into ridiculing persons that lived a century or so ago for not having the same social sensibilities that I may hold today.

Sure some of the writing (stories) of Robert E Howard, H.P. Lovecraft or J.R.R. Tolkein are racially insensitive in our modern view, but that does not take away from their storytelling or the characters or Mythos that they have created.

He has also expressed the desire to have joined the SS and killed Jews, considering that to be an honorable thing. He's stated this in a blog post... ie, after his release from prison.

You want to make the case that that's okay and just "remembering his heritage"? You don't have to.

Again, not familiar with everything the guy has written or did. The game is either a good system or it's not. If I started being so selective in my entertainment and the full access to the background of every single person associated with that product, I'd probably not be able to read, watch or play anything.

I'll be getting "The Coming" in the mail today and I expect to have a test run of the rules and setting, sometime this weekend.

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Bluddwolf wrote:
Again, not familiar with everything the guy has written or did. The game is either a good system or it's not. If I started being so selective in my entertainment and the full access to the background of every single person associated with that product, I'd probably not be able to read, watch or play anything.

You don't have to have "full access to the background of every single person associated with that product", this is pretty much a one man show and he's pretty blatant about it.

He's a convicted murderer and arsonist.

If you don't care, that's fine. Your business. Hiding behind "I'd have to check everything anyone involved with every product has ever said or done" is bullshit. Or comparing Vikernes with far milder people "expressing pride in whiteness", for example. If you don't care, just own it. Don't try to defend him.

thejeff wrote:
Bluddwolf wrote:
Again, not familiar with everything the guy has written or did. The game is either a good system or it's not. If I started being so selective in my entertainment and the full access to the background of every single person associated with that product, I'd probably not be able to read, watch or play anything.

You don't have to have "full access to the background of every single person associated with that product", this is pretty much a one man show and he's pretty blatant about it.

He's a convicted murderer and arsonist.

If you don't care, that's fine. Your business. Hiding behind "I'd have to check everything anyone involved with every product has ever said or done" is b#+*&*@%. Or comparing Vikernes with far milder people "expressing pride in whiteness", for example. If you don't care, just own it. Don't try to defend him.

I gladly own my specific, exact statements.

The game has some interesting elements and overall it is quite good in my opinion. I view the game system as a separate issue from his personal politics and from his past actions. Even if he were truly guilty, he served the time, and hopefully he has learned to keep his thoughts and beliefs separate from his actions.

The game, the game, the game is what I'm interested in.

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Why would you be interested in that crap.

Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself for keeping it up after finding out what an unrepentant piece of shit the guy is.

Silver Crusade

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Bluddwolf wrote:
Even if he were truly guilty, he served the time, and hopefully he has learned to keep his thoughts and beliefs separate from his actions.


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Giving money to a racist murderer for a game is still giving money to a racist murderer.

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Bluddwolf wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Bluddwolf wrote:
Again, not familiar with everything the guy has written or did. The game is either a good system or it's not. If I started being so selective in my entertainment and the full access to the background of every single person associated with that product, I'd probably not be able to read, watch or play anything.

You don't have to have "full access to the background of every single person associated with that product", this is pretty much a one man show and he's pretty blatant about it.

He's a convicted murderer and arsonist.

If you don't care, that's fine. Your business. Hiding behind "I'd have to check everything anyone involved with every product has ever said or done" is b#+*&*@%. Or comparing Vikernes with far milder people "expressing pride in whiteness", for example. If you don't care, just own it. Don't try to defend him.

I gladly own my specific, exact statements.

The game has some interesting elements and overall it is quite good in my opinion. I view the game system as a separate issue from his personal politics and from his past actions. Even if he were truly guilty, he served the time, and hopefully he has learned to keep his thoughts and beliefs separate from his actions.

The game, the game, the game is what I'm interested in.

There we go again. You're interested in the game and view his beliefs as separate. Fine. I've got problems with that, in such extreme cases, but I can accept it.

But you don't stop there. You have to throw in the "if he were truly guilty" and "hopefully he has learned" bit. You're not just focusing on the game, you're defending him.

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Of course, Lovecraft and Tolkien died decades ago, this dude is still alive and cashing the checks.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Of course, Lovecraft and Tolkien died decades ago, this dude is still alive and cashing the checks.

That's largely why I'd have problems with that attitude. I wouldn't want to support that myself.

But I wouldn't demand everyone else hold to that. It's the constant juxtaposition of "I only care about the game" with "He's really not so bad" that gets to me.

Absolutely. :-)

thejeff wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Of course, Lovecraft and Tolkien died decades ago, this dude is still alive and cashing the checks.

That's largely why I'd have problems with that attitude. I wouldn't want to support that myself.

But I wouldn't demand everyone else hold to that. It's the constant juxtaposition of "I only care about the game" with "He's really not so bad" that gets to me.

I did not juxtapose (swap out) anything. I said the game system has some I interesting elements and even if the guy was guilty, he served his time and hopefully he does not repeat through actions what he went to jail for.

In the new expansion of the game, into a new setting, the game really does not deal with issues of character race, all characters are of the same race. Apparently the new "bad guy" is various globalist entities. The story for each is a little weak in my opinion, actually the overall story of the apocalypse is a bit cliche and uninteresting.

However, in character creation, each player must roll a D4 to determine the number of flaws their character will have. Having a character begin with a number of mental, social or physical flaws is once again and interesting element in game design. It will create some interesting Roleplaying opportunities that you normally don't see in an RPG.

Community & Digital Content Director

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