Mulet |
My party has cleverly figured out how to get an enemy to lead them to a duergar settlement beneath the earth.
Easy solution, party is killed/chased off by occupants of said city.
Fun solution, party figures out how to get in, go shopping and even do a few side quests for the locals.
What are some modules involving forbidden cities I can draw inspiration from?
Human: Swashbuckler/Sourcerer: CN
Dwarf: Monk : LG
Half-Elf: Cleric: LG
Elve: Ranger: NG

Dave Justus |

Typically duergar would kill the Dwarf and enslave the others.
Disguise might help, personally I would rather rely on a good mundane disguise rather than a magical one. If they can manage to disguise the dwarf as a duergar, he could be the owner of the others which would solve most problems.
Of course being lead there by an enemy, who could presumably inform the locals, ads risk as well.
I don't know of any particular modules for this situation, I personally might be tempted to use typical small town adventure tropes, but with an evil underdark twist.
Stuff like: Predators attacking my flock (but the 'flock' is a work gang of slaves)