An army of familiars. (Involves a 3rd party feat)

Advice and Rules Questions

If I have a character who gains a familiar through the familiar bond feat with the improved familiar bond and then take the 3rd party feat "Familiar Training" would that cause a process of chain spawning familiars?
Since the familiar bond feat shares all my feats with my familiar including the feats to gain a familiar.

I know it's 3rd party(Advanced Feats: The Witch's Brew, Kobold press) and not PFS legal but just curious.


It'd be best to ask over in the 3rd Party Forum, since nobody here would know what that feature does unless they randomly happened to own it.

I'll flag your post to be moved over there. I hear the contributors are fairly active and helpful.

I honestly don't think its worth wasting time asking. If a combination of feats from different publishers causes some sort of chain reaction, the obvious answer is "no it's not intended to do that".

Silver Crusade

Strictly speaking, it does, but I'ld be very wary. Sure, you have a sudden army of little familiars, but the familiar of your familiar has half their HP, meaning a quarter of your own, which quickly runs down to where a single fireball takes down quite a few of them, with the resulting backlash over losing a familiar, which will put your character it pretty bad circumstances.

Never mind about the circumstances, I was remembering old rules. Still, they won't be as helpful as you might hope, and they're loyal to your familiar, not to you.

Val'bryn2 wrote:

Strictly speaking, it does, but I'ld be very wary. Sure, you have a sudden army of little familiars, but the familiar of your familiar has half their HP, meaning a quarter of your own, which quickly runs down to where a single fireball takes down quite a few of them, with the resulting backlash over losing a familiar, which will put your character it pretty bad circumstances.

Never mind about the circumstances, I was remembering old rules. Still, they won't be as helpful as you might hope, and they're loyal to your familiar, not to you.

Good point about the HP. I mean if the character had 100hp, his familiar would have 50, who's familiar would have 25, who's familiar would have 12, who's familiar would have 6 who's familiar would have 3 unless their familiar were a chicken then they would have 6 and as long as the remaining chain were all chickens(chicken maulers)they would also all have 6hp.

Since a familiar's HD/level(effective) are based on your's(that should also chain) so if you had the toughness feat and were level 10 as that would chain down making the minimum hp 26, and with improved toughness(also 3rd party) the minimum hp would be 46 per familiar(This would scale with level at the rate of 2hp/level for toughness and 4/level with imp toughness), and the infinite army of chicken maulers would be based on your level for their strength scores and they would all gain your saves. They also all get improved evasion so they may not all just die to AoE spells.

This is really just kinda fun to think about and not something I'd likely try in a real game.

Nefreet wrote:

It'd be best to ask over in the 3rd Party Forum, since nobody here would know what that feature does unless they randomly happened to own it.

I'll flag your post to be moved over there. I hear the contributors are fairly active and helpful.

Thank you.

cyrosgold wrote:
Val'bryn2 wrote:

Strictly speaking, it does, but I'ld be very wary. Sure, you have a sudden army of little familiars, but the familiar of your familiar has half their HP, meaning a quarter of your own, which quickly runs down to where a single fireball takes down quite a few of them, with the resulting backlash over losing a familiar, which will put your character it pretty bad circumstances.

Never mind about the circumstances, I was remembering old rules. Still, they won't be as helpful as you might hope, and they're loyal to your familiar, not to you.

Good point about the HP. I mean if the character had 100hp, his familiar would have 50, who's familiar would have 25, who's familiar would have 12, who's familiar would have 6 who's familiar would have 3 unless their familiar were a chicken then they would have 6 and as long as the remaining chain were all chickens(chicken maulers)they would also all have 6hp.

Since a familiar's HD/level(effective) are based on your's(that should also chain) so if you had the toughness feat and were level 10 as that would chain down making the minimum hp 26, and with improved toughness(also 3rd party) the minimum hp would be 46 per familiar(This would scale with level at the rate of 2hp/level for toughness and 4/level with imp toughness), and the infinite army of chicken maulers would be based on your level for their strength scores and they would all gain your saves. They also all get improved evasion so they may not all just die to AoE spells.

This is really just kinda fun to think about and not something I'd likely try in a real game.

Oh yeah I forgot mauler's endurance which would boost these chickens up to an 85/86 hp total at level 10.

Okay I have just double checked wordings and realized why this won't work.


Familiar Training

Your familiar gains the benefits of your feats.

Prerequisite: Ability to acquire a familiar

Benefit: Your familiar gains the benefit from all feats you know so long as the familiar meets the prerequisites of the feat and the benefit applies to a trait or ability the familiar possesses. Benefits to skills or saving throws apply to the familiars score and not the scores it derives from its master. The familiar’s hp cannot be altered directly through these feats.

The familiar only gains the benefit of, not the actual feats themselves... so while they may gain a familiar themselves from this that familiar would only gain the benefit of the feats your familiar itself possesses. Still cool but no infinite army of chickens. Also the feat specifies how hp feats interact and thus the best the familiar's familiar would have is 1/2[1/2 your hp + [2 x level]] + [2 x level] or at level 10(fighter with 10 con and no fcb or toughness feats) about 53.

Anyway I guess this is still cool and can remain here in case the question is ever asked again.

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