Gate Breaker feat is double STR to Sunder attacks?

Rules Questions

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Gate Breaker says "plus an additional amount equal to your Strength modi er." but Sunder already typically adds strength?

Do you have a link? I can't find it to read the full text.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

wraithstrike wrote:
Do you have a link? I can't find it to read the full text.

It's from the new hell knight book. Is there a prohibition on linking the text before the book's release date?

Grand Lodge

I don't know about linking, but I'm sure you could just quote the relevant text for your question without issue.

Edit: Also, unless I'm missing something, I believe Path of the Hellknight has already been released.

I didn't found this feat on the PRD.

another mess up I am guessing just like the hell knight leather not including txt that it lets you use hellknight armor powers. They manged to include it in the hell knight half plate. but not in the leather. so it is more pricey and weight more leather armor that does nothing.

Did not even notice the feat, it belongs on my bad list I just posted about the book on the product page. looks like was it is a meant as feat tax for the feat on my good list Relic Breaker. Not realizing that you already add your str mod to sunder and breaking objects.

More hell knight options that are confusing and poorly written as the class it self. That will never be clarified. It is a shame because there is a lot of flavor and potential there. The prc really need to be fixed and reprinted. Maybe even turned into a base class, or Alternate base Class of fighter and/or paladin.

James Risner wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Do you have a link? I can't find it to read the full text.
It's from the new hell knight book. Is there a prohibition on linking the text before the book's release date?

Paizo doesnt like for the text to be revealed until the book is released.

Scarab Sages

The feat uses the same language as dragon ferocity, meaning it's an additional bonus. When using the feat you have double your STR bonus on sunder damage.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Imbicatus wrote:
The feat uses the same language as dragon ferocity, meaning it's an additional bonus. When using the feat you have double your STR bonus on sunder damage.

That was my understanding, thanks.

How does this interact with Overhand Chop from THF archetype?

no clue how it works?? left to scholars to debate, lol. It may just raw unmodified mod bonus\bonus. the Actual the language dragon ferocity call for it to be a bonus. while this one use word additional damage, similar but not the same but good enough for me. to rule it currently works as an extra the unmodified mod bonus. this debate needs to be saved for when we can use full txt of the feat.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

You are not wrong....
It's just so exciting a feat...
and July 12, 2016 is a long way away!

Which book is being talked about here?

Silver Crusade

Path of the Hellknight.

The page says I can get the PDF right now. That means it's released right?

James Risner wrote:

You are not wrong....

It's just so exciting a feat...
and July 12, 2016 is a long way away!

Why July 12?

Anyhoo, feat popped up on Hero Labs since the book is out so I checked it looks odd.

Imbicatus mentioned Dragon Ferocity having the same language, but that's not the case as Ferocity states "increase your Strength bonus on unarmed strike damage rolls by an additional one-half your Strength bonus" implying the bonus itself is improved.

But Gate Breaker says regular sunder damage "plus an additional amount equal to your Strength modifier." Wouldn't that fall under the No Stacking Same Ability Modifiers rule even if one bonus is just an unnamed bonus equivalent to Strength modifier? Or is the additional amount of damage not considered a "bonus"?

The FAQ or DEVs clarifying said that if an ability specifically says to add an attribute twice, like the mindchemist's Perfect Recall ability, that you're allowed to do it.
So it's potentially wanting you to get double str to the sunder damage and gets past the FAQ.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Sunder normally add Str, so the author should have known this would be "double str"?

OH I GOT IT!!! this is for U-rogues who are getting dex to damage for sunder builds, now they can add their str too!

I'm not sure. I don't have the text to see what's going on. But it's either the writer didn't know/forgot how sunder worked when he wrote that, didn't know/forgot about the no double dipping FAQ, or he wanted double str, but thought that just saying you add x2 str wasn't clear so he wrote it this way, Heck, maybe he wanted a possible 2.5 str while 2-handing by always adding str again to the damage.

Again, only going off of what's been said in this thread, but it seems we can't know RAI from the text and RAW this a new prone shooter?

Sovereign Court

shiny new Hellknight book wrote:

Gate Breaker (Combat)
Your strikes against objects are especially vicious.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Improved Sunder, Power Attack,
base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: Whenever you would deal damage to an object,
you deal normal damage plus an additional amount
equal to your Strength modifier. This applies to both
unattended objects and those you damage as part of a
successful sunder combat maneuver check.

Given the prerequisites, it looks like the author wasn't expecting users to really dump strength. Double-dipping strength seems to me the only reasonable interpretation of what it's supposed to do.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

"normal damage plus an additional amount equal to your strength"


Overhand Chop (Ex)
At 3rd level, when a two-handed fighter makes a single attack (with the attack action or a charge) with a two-handed weapon, he adds double his Strength bonus on damage rolls.

So Overhand Chomp would add to the "normal" amount and then add an additional (now a 3rd) Strength?

Yes, overhand chop fits in the "normal damage" then you add the bonus from gatebreaker.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Nice stackage!

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