the Lorax |
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Like Skeld said, for some of the maps I've just adjusted the scale. Others I just fudged to add an extra 5' here and there.
For some though (like the Graul house) I just left it as is, the tight, difficult to move around spaces left my party of flankers and spring attackers a bit out of their element, which is good every so often.

Wheldrake |

We've just finished retaking Fort Rannick, playing once a month for the last 2 years.
I didn't find any of the maps too cramped. Cramped, yes, but not *too* cramped. The claustrophobic quality is a feature, not a bug.
This said, many of the sessions were played out on Dwarven Forge tiles, so I did have to fudge things a lot, here and there.
Remember that PCs (and adversaries) can move through their allies' squares with no problem. And using walls & corners during combat can be a really fun bit of tactical maneuvering.