where can i find the price / cost to get a silver sword?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

because werecreatures are scary. i found a silver dagger but its kinda punny when your swinging around a two handed sword.

According to Archives of Nethys,

"[PFS Legal] Alchemical Silver
Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 48 (Amazon), PRPG Core Rulebook pg. 155 (Amazon)

A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as lycanthropes.

On a successful attack with a silvered slashing or piercing weapon, the wielder takes a –1 penalty on the damage roll (with a minimum of 1 point of damage). The alchemical silvering process can’t be applied to nonmetal items, and it doesn’t work on rare metals such as adamantine, cold iron, and mithral.

Alchemical silver has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 8.

Type of Alchemical Silver Item Item Price Modifier
Ammunition +2 gp per item
Light weapon +20 gp
One-handed weapon, or one head of a double weapon +90 gp
Two-handed weapon, or both heads of a double weapon +180 gp"

Alternatively, if you only need it rarely, you could also consider Weapon Blanches.

i would rather spend the extra 90 gp to get a masterwork weapon thats silvered that is always about instead of having to stop what i am doing to apply a weapon blanche that i might forget about.

also thank you

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Also note that mithral weapons and weapons with a +3 enhancement bonus both count as silver for the purposes of bypassing DR.

A direct link to the relevant rules in the PRD is:

http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/coreRulebook/equipment.html#silver-alche mical

You will note that the PFRPG rules for alchemical silver are unchanged from the 3.5 OGL:


Sovereign Court

zainale wrote:
i would rather spend the extra 90 gp to get a masterwork weapon thats silvered that is always about instead of having to stop what i am doing to apply a weapon blanche that i might forget about.

Silver weapons are not inherently masterwork, and they have the additional disadvantage of always doing -1 damage.

Frankly, I'd just get a mithril dagger; if you're small sized it's actually cheaper than a steel masterwork one.

Look at Silversheen and Mithral weapons as well.

Both are CRB and have their own advantages.

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
and they have the additional disadvantage of always doing -1 damage.

Bludgeoning weapons do not take the -1 damage penalty.

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