DocShock |
We have an unchained Rogue in our party looking to play around with the Weapon Snatcher Advanced Talent, but it's getting tough to fit Skill Focus (Sleight of Hand) into the build without giving up a feat. There's room eventually, but not until the campaign will be nearly over. So my question is:
Is there a non-feat way of getting Skill Focus? Like, for example:
A rogue talent I dont know about?
Some kind of ioun stone?
Other items?
A rogue archetype that gives up uncanny dodge and improved ud?
Ideally it would be accessible before level 10. The character is a Tengu Unchained Rogue who specializes in the use of the Estoc.
MageHunter |
Change your race to Half Elf? This is a bit much, but I think Intelligent items can give you knowledge bonuses... You can also retrain any feats you can live without.
DocShock |
He probably doesn't need skill focus, but the plan is to use an Estoc one handed and use Strike and Seize from the Weapon Master's Handbook One Handed Tricks feat. Because that feat let's you disarm and attack as one standard action, it's a pretty solid combo for when you can't get in a full round attack. The gloves of larceny will help, but the main concern has to do with the following:
When using strike and seize, are you considered unarmed while making the disarm attempt? And do you take the associated -4 penalty to your sleight of hand check?
I agree that SoH will get pretty high on it's own, but a +6 bonus at level 10 is pretty solid, especially if you're facing -4 from being "unarmed".