Games in my area??

Pathfinder Society

Hey everyone. So I just made my first PFS character, and I'm looking for somewhere to play. I can't seem to find anywhere near me that is having any games. Is there an online resource that allows you to locate games near you?

The Exchange 5/5

this might help - Click the Linky to get the map
Map of Locations.

it doesn't list EVERYWHERE yet (wish it did), but it's coming along...

Grand Lodge 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Alternatively, check out this page for your area and find the closest person, then contact them.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

There are definitely also online places to play. I've been gearing up to run a quest for people on one.

A quest likely is not what you are looking for. You gain Xp/Fame for your character but are restricted to a pregen.

I just checked the map of Locations that nosig posted and there's only one store nearby, and they don't run games often :/

godsDMit, the person who covers the area closest on that list to me is an hour from where I live, so I dunno if I should contact them about the situation. Would they still be able to help me out?

Askdal Alehart, although I'm looking to play in almost any game, I would absolutely prefer to play my own character. Are there many online games available that would allow me to play with my own?

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

If you are unsure, let us know where you live. We can point you in the right direction.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Risen Demon wrote:

I just checked the map of Locations that nosig posted and there's only one store nearby, and they don't run games often :/

godsDMit, the person who covers the area closest on that list to me is an hour from where I live, so I dunno if I should contact them about the situation. Would they still be able to help me out?

Askdal Alehart, although I'm looking to play in almost any game, I would absolutely prefer to play my own character. Are there many online games available that would allow me to play with my own?

I would suggest still contacting them, yes. I used to be on that list and lived an hour or so from the main shop I coordinated at. Even if they don't coordinate anything near you, they might know who to point you towards. :)

Ok, so I contacted Sam P who coordinates the Albany, NY area. I'm currently in the process of moving to the Poughkeepsie, NY area, and I'm extremely lost on this because I've never even played in a Society game!! I also have a problem...I don't think I can play Friday nights, because my job might have me working there from 3pm until 11pm

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5

Theres always The Pathfinder Society Online Collective , we play mainly on Roll20 and use Google Hangouts. We can always use more players and GM's :D

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Risen Demon: You got the attention of a coordinator or venture, they'll bomb you with more info than the map likely has shown.

There are places that are spotty about announcing their games.

Warhorn is often used to look for local stores in your area. The downside is that each 'lodge area' maintains their own warhorn site and on top of that certain game stores will maintain their own separate site and.... ect... you get the point. A coordinator or venture can help sort all that out for you.

Imhrail nailed two more great resources PFS Online Collective and Roll20. The Collective is your best place to start. Not every game is listed or known by the Collective. Some people run PFS on Roll20 on their own. The quest I mentioned is a good example. Once my friends decide on characters and when to play, I'd make a quick post here on Paizo to see if one or two more people would be willing to join since it would be my first time as a DM.

With that have fun. I'll throw in a few more helpful hints.

1. Core: Occasionally a game will be listed as Core. This is -Not- the same as a regular PFS game. There are many classes, and other things, that are allowed for PFS that are not allowed for PFS Core.

2. Try not to use too much (technically it is supposed to be none) in the way of spells/feats/traits/ect that come from products you don't own. With Open Gaming and online searching it is easy to find things that look nice from sources you don't own. The DM has the right to Audit. An Audit basically is "Ok, you are playing the Kineticist class, show me at least one printed out page from the PDF that has your name and email address on it to prove to me that you own Occult Adventures". If the answer is you don't own it, you either don't get to play or the DM will give you no credit at the end.

3. There are several scenarios were you must play a pregenerated character instead of your own. At times the game listing may not come out and inform you of this because they might think it obvious (to an experienced player) without considering new players. We Be Goblins is a popular one to encounter. It is great fun but you'll be playing an already made goblin.

4. Try to find an 'Evergreen' scenario (Such as The Confirmation) for your early experience, doesn't have to be the first. These are tier 1-2 and can be played with 1st level characters repeatedly. You might have 'A Character' now but most people quickly turn into 'I have Six+ and none are even level 2 yet'. These scenarios are geared specifically toward or a group of level 1 people. Tier 1-5 can be scaled but it is random fate based upon who else plays with you.

5/5 5/55/55/5

nosig wrote:

this might help - Click the Linky to get the map

Map of Locations.

it doesn't list EVERYWHERE yet (wish it did), but it's coming along...

If you know a state/regional group that isn't on there let me know. I found a few dozen locations by googling state here pathfinder group, but some states are divided into state, northern state, or state, capital, or set up like the new york city area where its the golden compass for that area (which spans 5 states, because new york is a funny shape. Thanks henry hudson) or are just semi autonomous collectives.

Imhrail: hmmm...I might have to check that out!

Askdal Aleheart: Hmm...a lot more to consider lol I'm guessing PFS Core is only the Core Rulebook?
On the topic of books I own, my only PFS character uses only things from books that I actually own, so I'm safe on that, thankfully!
Evergreen...ok, are the scenarios listed as Evergreen??

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Nah, I only learned the term recently myself. Any scenario that is listed as either Tier 1-2 (only) or level 1 is an Evergreen. It means you aren't limited to one play.

So a Tier 1-5 adventure that you play with your level 1 Guy, that's it. You'll never get any Xp for playing it again, not even with a different character.

Core is a little more than just that. It's described in the free guild guide that is an intro to pathfinder society.

If you didn't have it, here it is: de

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