Two games in one

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

All right, I'm hoping this is the right spot for a thread like this. If not, let me know...
I'm starting a game that's going to push two modules together. (Rise of the Runelords (RotR) and Wrath of the Righteous (WotR) I've started this thread mainly to help me keep my thoughts in line, as well as to see if other's have advice on the game.

Now the basic setup is kinda hard, so I hope I can explain it accurately. I had each of the players take a campaign trait from WotR, then told them that the start of this game was going to take place a few years before the time where WotR is supposed to. I then asked them each to think of reasons why they traveled down to Sandpoint

Usually I let players create characters that don't know each other and allow them to get to know each other over the course of the game, but due to all of them basically coming from Mendev (as well as another game where they kept to many secrets from each other eventually leading to a TPK) I told them that they would start this game already knowing each other and having traveled together for some time. This allows them to keep some secrets but hopefully not many.

Now the plan is to go through the RotR campaign normally, while just adding in little things to keep their traits tied in and forshadow the future without convincing them to pack up and head to Kenabres early. (IE the dreams one) This will mean adding in stuff to the game and being slightly liberal with some of the rules, but I hope in the end it doesn't break anything.

After they finish the RotR game, I will create a reason to drag them all back to Kenabres, and launch right into WotR.
Due to this, this game will go past lvl 20. I understand makes some people squeamish, but I don't see it going past lvl 30 so hopefully it won't break the game too much. For right now I'm planning on using Paizo suggested rules for post 20 lvling unless anybody has any better suggestions.

As far as the encounters in WotR go, I don't think I'm going to change any of them too much, other then to raise the lvls of all the demons they face as well as a few of the cultists, others I will leave alone, just so they can really see how much of a difference it is between where they were and where they are, but also because I never liked games where the WORLD lvl'd with you.
For the demons, I'm going to use the excuse of the Worldwound being a home ground advantage that empowers them. Meanwhile fights in other parts of the world have them cut off from this power source (the comparison of fighting a shark on land comes to mind)

There you have it (long post I know) please ask me any questions you can think of, or just shoot if you have advice on something I may have missed.

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