Unchained Monk and Two handed Thrower


I'm trying to figure out if there's any way to combine two handed thrower, which requires you to use a one or two handed thrown weapon with the unchained monk's flurry.

The big problem is that I couldn't find any one handed monk weapons with a range increment.

By strict RAW things like flying blade which are classified as ranged weapons but can't be used for melee also are not elegible for two handed thrower.

The only fool proof way I've found to get Crusaders flurry with a spear or something.

I've also debated throwing oversized light weapons but the -2 penalty sorta kills that option.

I haven't quite figured out if I might be able to get away with chucking temple swords...

Shuruken? Throw anything?

Shuriken are in the Thrown Weapon groups so I don't think that will work.

Throw anything paired with say a temple sword might work but no idea what damge die it uses. Also if I use it as an improvised weapon does it still count as a Monk weapon?

Alex Mack wrote:

Shuriken are in the Thrown Weapon groups so I don't think that will work.

Throw anything paired with say a temple sword might work but no idea what damge die it uses. Also if I use it as an improvised weapon does it still count as a Monk weapon?

I'm pretty sure when using it improvised it loses any special qualities.

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