Dazing blast Feat order / Build advice


I'm having a little trouble deciding if my build is structured well, or even worth the feats I'm picking.

I'm building a human wizard, with my main focus on area denial/control. There is another character that will be summoning as their primary focus, so I won't be doing that. I thought it would be a fun side mechanic to aim for "spontaneous" dazing blast spells for when the situation is right, but I'm not sure if the feat cost is worth it.

We're starting at level 2, so I will be playing through the lower levels if that makes a difference. what I have so far is:

1)Spell focus(evocation) - Human)Spell specialization(burning hands)
3)craft wondrous item
5)greater spell focus(evocation) - wizard)craft magic arms and armor
7)dazing spell
9)greater spell specialization
wizard)quicken spell
11)opposition research

I'm not married to craft magic arms and armor, so if there is something I'm missing that would be the one to go.

I'd update my spell specialization as I go and change it back to burning hands at 8 to allow spontaneous dazing burning hands at 9, then go back up the list of spells.

is this way to many feats for one cool trick?
Am I missing something I really should have?
Should I not be putting spell penetration off so long?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Are you taking any Traits, or did I miss them in your introduction?

What school did you specialized in and what are your opposition schools?

Traits are going to be assigned by the GM if we get any at all.
Specialized in teleportation, necromancy and enchantment are my opposition schools

Most everyone on this board is going to tell you you're better off being "god" and that battlefield control is the only way to go. I disagree.

Since you've presented a build, we'll go with it:

1st. You're right about the Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration. As you approach 11th-12th level Spell Resistance will become more common and as you're depending on your spells "affecting" your targets, your effectiveness is tied to it more so than other caster types.

2nd. Adding something to your damage spells is great. Action economy is one of the hardest things to modify in pathfinder, especially for a blaster. Slowing your enemies advance is awesome. That being said, Dazing Spell requires your target to "take damage" from your spell in order to be affected. Your chosen spell has the number one resisted/nullified elements, fire and you'll be contending with the aforementioned SR.

3rd. The level increase on Dazing Spell is steep, +3. You could have Empowered and Intensified the same level spell with that. Then again, a creature losing all it's actions is pretty unbelievable.

I'd say dump the Spell Specialization and get the Spell Penetration chain, at least before 10th level. I'd also use a different spell with Dazing like Magic Missile. Split the four missiles among four different targets and nullify a group without risk of hitting teammates and the save becomes Will, the bane of Rogues and Fighter types.

You might even be better off going Crossblooded Sorcerer Arcane(Sage)/Orc. Use the Human favored class to add the lost spell from crossblooded back.Then your Missiles would max at 1d4+9 and add Dazing and you could still cast with Intelligence and have those tasty skill points. The Metamagic Adept would allow you to add Dazing Spell a few times a day without increasing the casting time. Othewise, use a Rod.

Thanks for the advice, I'll take that into account.
If I'm not taking specialization I'd be changing the spell around based on the save I'd be expecting to see anyway.
are there any other feats, metamagic or otherwise, I should have?

Would your GM allow you to take the Additional Traits feat to chose two traits for your character? If so, that would be a very good idea.

I'm going to stick with wizard, partly because we need the versatility, and partly because I just really like wizards.

which traits would you suggest?

The Exchange

Personally I'd stick with Spell Specialization as, if you're blasting at all, it more than pulls its weight, especially at low levels. Greater Spell Specialization is less necessary, unless you anticipate (or, if you're playing through the levels, find yourself) ending up in a lot of situations where you've prepared the wrong spells for the day. You could take Dazing Spell as your level 5 Wizard bonus Feat instead of Craft Magic Arms and Armour (even though you'd only technically be able to use it to prepare dazing cantrips at that level it looks like it could be a better use of the Feat slot overall for the build you're after). Then you could pick up Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration at 7 and 9 (and skip Greater Spell Specialization).

Neils Bohr wrote:
which traits would you suggest?

Magical Lineage and Wayang Spellhunter. In any Dazing Spell build, you need all of the metamagic cost reduction you can get.

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